Thursday, January 29, 2009

Other than taking pixs of Jared All The Time, i also like to take other parts of his body.. Everything is still so miniature now, better take and keep some memories before he outgrown them.. Just marvel the fact that he changes every month, growing taller, heavier, a little more hair, and of course smilier.. ha!

Roy & i were chatting online with Yong on 1st day of CNY and we on the webcam to see each other. Roy's carrying Jared to show her his new clothes, and i'm goofing behind. Yong said we're 2 crazy parent, ha! Really miss my gal, wish i can see her real soon.

Do i look like a mom now? *wink wink*

He's the luckiest boy in the world (besides Roy) to receive a kiss from Piddles! ;)

Why so serious?? Hee..
Well, first 2 days of cny pass by swiftly but i didn't really take much pixs of it cos really had my hands and even legs full taking care of Jared. Previous years they will always ask me the same o' question when im having a baby blah blah~ So there, i have one now and they will ask when im having a 2nd one.. Neverending one.. The uncles and aunties..
So far he's behaving relatively good at the relatives' places being the centre of attraction cause its a new addition to the family. Everybody wants to have a go at him, carrying and hugging him while we sat down and eat the goodies.. However, he does turn a bit cranky if he's sleepy cos i'll have to coax him to sleep by singing lullabys and making sure he's all snug and comfy.

With great-grandma, she's in her 70s and still fit as a fiddle.

Jared's cousin, Sarah. Even though she's just turning 6 this year, she can be quite a nightmare! Dashing around noisily at my place (while the parents just sit there doing nothing!) and disturbing Jared. Man, i will make sure my boy don't ever behave like this when he's older. Must consult ZL, he's the disciplinary master in our family.