Monday, January 19, 2009

Bottles of Piddles brand breastmilk or so called Liquid Gold

To all parents-to-be:- The top thick layer is the fatty acid followby water, lactose, and amino acids that the baby needs. In addition, breast milk contains at least 100 ingredients that cannot be replicated in infant formula, contains all of the nutrients that the baby needs for at least the first six months of its life and it is the most important part of their diet past this, supplying half of their nutrients up to their first birthday and a third up to their second birthday. That's why it's the best food for the baby.

A pix of my formidable dual pump, sometimes really feel like i'm a cow.

To tell you the truth, I've never been so hardworking in my life. Expressing out my milk regularly at every 4 hr interval and even waking up in the wee hours of morning. I also surprised myself that I can manage to carry on for 6mths (even when i'm feeling unwell) and still counting.. I guess when you've become a mom, or a parent you will ultimately sacrifice and want the best for your kid, no matter what. Cheez, look who's talking.. Ha!

He's feeling comfy on our bed.
When i was much younger, i found that my parent's bed to be the most comfortable bed in the whole world and will always think of all sorts of excuse to sleep on theirs instead of my own. I guess that applies to Jared too, from the clip below.. :)

I'm trying to take a clip of Jared flipping on the bed and normally he will just flip on his own but this time when i placed him on my bed he prefers to lie down instead, despite roy poking his backside. -_- next time perhaps.

Pop reading the circular to shareholders while Jared looking absolutely bored..

He finds mommy more interesting instead.. :D

Getting ready and wrapped, heading to gram's place on sunday.


  1. OoOoo~ kayy!
    The first part is a little too much info, for me.
    But Jared is as adorable as always..
    Got to go see him soon!

  2. For your future reference mah~ Ha!
    Plenty of chances to see him, don't worry~


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