Thursday, January 08, 2009

Hoops became my very 1st reader! Haha! I'm so happy! She's online this morning so i sent her the link.. She's now on maternity leave, after giving birth to a very cute baby boy Vyan on New Year's Day 2009. Little Vyan boy, everybody will celebrate your birthday with you next year, and that includes me, your lovely aunty Piddles yah? :)

Went to visit my dearest fren Hazel's parents last sun cos they came back from Seattle to spend xmas with her and wei. She bought for me, well for Jared too (nowadays its a share share situation, ha!) my fav Hoops & Yoyo plush toys.

Hazel even bought a cute green bag to house the 2 cyberspace buggers. Damn cute! She got me 2 door hangers- Welcome to my room & Do not disturb which I've used the latter in office.

Sorry yong, show ur msg to the whole world.. Not the whole world la, just my frens only. Ha! Just want everybody to see you're a great aunt! So sweet of you! Muacks!


Thanks Yoyo, for helping me keep a lookout. :)

To those i've given nicknames to, you know who you are so i won't have to spell out the fullnames ok?

Yest at work, ob they're having lunch with union reps at Swensen's so i say i want a ice-cream cone.. (Last time at work, no reasons in particular but maybe becoz ob is in a good mood he'll give me a 50 dollar bill and ask me go get ice-cream for everyone in the office. I think he wants to eat but too shy to ask me to get one only. Haa! So we all get to eat, What a happy day!) So i had a light lunch and looking forward to my ice-cream cone but later got a sms from ob who needs to rush off for another meeting so cannot tabao in time. I say never mind, work more important. Poofff! There goes my comfort snack and i had cornflakes instead, during teatime. -_-Ha! Well, always a next time ya? *wink wink*

Roy is having a cold today and doc has given him one day MC, something which i've not heard of since the day i know him way back in 1998! Can only say he's getting older or weaker.. Haha! Take care of yourself dardee, if not i'll have to take care of both the big and small one mann!

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