Saturday, January 31, 2009

Attended a CNY celebration at Ben's place yesterday, all gathered around at the bbq pit.

Jared's head peering out~

Food & booze
Luo Hei

Yoyo & her funny face~ =P

Alley cat hoping for some scraps of the goodies.

Jared with Godpa~

All waiting for a game of poker.

No kids allowed so Yin Fun took over to carry Jared.

Cutest angpows i received so far, damn kawaiiiiiiiiiiii~

Friday, January 30, 2009

Arghh!! The setup of the blog sometimes drives me crazy! The comment column for my 2 previous postings is gone for no reason, not that a lot of you writes in but still, if you do feel like dropping a line at least i can see!! So, anything to say for the previous posts, please drop your comment here, thanks. :)
Random pixs

Was shopping at ikea the other day and we saw this vintage van, looks like the volkswagon but i dun see the logo though..

Roy's gaming corner, we got the teddy seat at the kids section and its extremely comfy. Roy will have to play behind closed doors soon cos i don't think its healthy to introduce Jared to games at his age.

A lot of kids heading home after school downstairs. The primary school is just next to my block, so convenient.

Last but not least, Jared with my 9th uncle, Richard (mom's younger bro). Both botaks but i love them dearly. :)
ps: Mom told me uncle striked 4D, really lucky this new year. Happy for him. :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Other than taking pixs of Jared All The Time, i also like to take other parts of his body.. Everything is still so miniature now, better take and keep some memories before he outgrown them.. Just marvel the fact that he changes every month, growing taller, heavier, a little more hair, and of course smilier.. ha!

Roy & i were chatting online with Yong on 1st day of CNY and we on the webcam to see each other. Roy's carrying Jared to show her his new clothes, and i'm goofing behind. Yong said we're 2 crazy parent, ha! Really miss my gal, wish i can see her real soon.

Do i look like a mom now? *wink wink*

He's the luckiest boy in the world (besides Roy) to receive a kiss from Piddles! ;)

Why so serious?? Hee..
Well, first 2 days of cny pass by swiftly but i didn't really take much pixs of it cos really had my hands and even legs full taking care of Jared. Previous years they will always ask me the same o' question when im having a baby blah blah~ So there, i have one now and they will ask when im having a 2nd one.. Neverending one.. The uncles and aunties..
So far he's behaving relatively good at the relatives' places being the centre of attraction cause its a new addition to the family. Everybody wants to have a go at him, carrying and hugging him while we sat down and eat the goodies.. However, he does turn a bit cranky if he's sleepy cos i'll have to coax him to sleep by singing lullabys and making sure he's all snug and comfy.

With great-grandma, she's in her 70s and still fit as a fiddle.

Jared's cousin, Sarah. Even though she's just turning 6 this year, she can be quite a nightmare! Dashing around noisily at my place (while the parents just sit there doing nothing!) and disturbing Jared. Man, i will make sure my boy don't ever behave like this when he's older. Must consult ZL, he's the disciplinary master in our family.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This is Jared's first Chinese New Year so i'll be busy bringing him out to earn some angpows, ha!
Will post up pixs soon!

Friday, January 23, 2009

My angel taking a afternoon nap now, holding on to his precious stinky. :)

You'll never know what's new today.. Caught him with his funny new action, face all crumpled up and red.

ps: Please ignore the one legged sexy leg in the background.. :P

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Shimei has been asking,"Hey, no new posts ah?" Everyday she's been looking forward to it.. That triggers me to sit down to write a post straightaway! Well, i've taken leave since wed due my mom is busy baking her lapis and tarts so i have to take over babysitting for Jared. Luckily my maid is helping me out if not, i will go bonkers at home! (also not able to update my blog!) Guess i'm not those homey stay-home mom type, haha! Specially when now Jared is too young to converse with me with his baby cooings.. Some randoms pixs that i've taken some time back, just want to show you guys..

This was taken in dec'08 when my younger sister Lisa, Roy & older brother Willy are celebrating their birthdays on 12th (Roy), 15th(Bro) & 17th (Sis).

My old friend & brother-in-law Dennis/ZL dozing off together with Jared. He's an excellent babysitter for boy, not surprising as he always put 101% in everything he does. He's is in safe hands when ZL's around. Thanks, nai pa!

Sometimes when my hands are full, i just had to put him down somewhere. So there you go!

Remember i told you about him remembering his walks? He literally screams if cooped up in the house all day until i ask my maid to just carry him outside along the corridor. Like that also happy.. =_= Unbelievable~

Monday, January 19, 2009

I remember when i was young, in primary school time.. my mom had a musical box, those that when you open it, wind it up, place the ballerina on it and when the music starts, the ballerina will start twirling around as it she's dancing. I can play and sit there the whole day, mesmerized by just staring at the ballerina turn & turn.. this gift makes me reminisce that moment.. just listening to the melody, though minus the ballerina.. :) Thank you.

Bottles of Piddles brand breastmilk or so called Liquid Gold

To all parents-to-be:- The top thick layer is the fatty acid followby water, lactose, and amino acids that the baby needs. In addition, breast milk contains at least 100 ingredients that cannot be replicated in infant formula, contains all of the nutrients that the baby needs for at least the first six months of its life and it is the most important part of their diet past this, supplying half of their nutrients up to their first birthday and a third up to their second birthday. That's why it's the best food for the baby.

A pix of my formidable dual pump, sometimes really feel like i'm a cow.

To tell you the truth, I've never been so hardworking in my life. Expressing out my milk regularly at every 4 hr interval and even waking up in the wee hours of morning. I also surprised myself that I can manage to carry on for 6mths (even when i'm feeling unwell) and still counting.. I guess when you've become a mom, or a parent you will ultimately sacrifice and want the best for your kid, no matter what. Cheez, look who's talking.. Ha!

He's feeling comfy on our bed.
When i was much younger, i found that my parent's bed to be the most comfortable bed in the whole world and will always think of all sorts of excuse to sleep on theirs instead of my own. I guess that applies to Jared too, from the clip below.. :)

I'm trying to take a clip of Jared flipping on the bed and normally he will just flip on his own but this time when i placed him on my bed he prefers to lie down instead, despite roy poking his backside. -_- next time perhaps.

Pop reading the circular to shareholders while Jared looking absolutely bored..

He finds mommy more interesting instead.. :D

Getting ready and wrapped, heading to gram's place on sunday.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

When people ask me who's looking after my baby, and i say my mom, they'll go,"That's good, nothing beats your own mother caring for your kid." And i really have to thank my mom for that. And i can go to work without any worries or phonecalls back to check on them, 101% of entrust to her. I love you Mom, you're the Best! :)

My mom and her precious grandson. Any resemblance?

I can hardly lift Jared up with my skinny arms.. 1,2,3 up!! Arghhh!!!~

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the CUTEST of them all?~ :D

Making fun of Jared, who seems to react with a sulky face.. Haha!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ever since I gave birth to Jared last year, we've not brought him to meet my buddy Shimei's bb boy Jing Zhong aka JZ. Too preoccupied with our own lives i guess. To think we used to meet up and chat about how next time when we have babies of our own, should bring them out to ikea, have tea or just shopping. Ya, shimei & i will be busy shopping while the hubbies push the strollers behind. Ha! :) Think we can put that idea into action, soon!

Brought Jared to Shimei's parent's place in Eunos last dec. The one next to Jared is JZ, he's exactly 2 months older than Jared. J & J, aren't they handsome? I looked kinda nerdy in glasses huh? Oh well..

Jared had a go at JZ's walker, something new to him so his legs were like all cramped up and wouldn't relax at all. And when he does, he goes backwards.. :) Anyway too young still, just let him try out..

Decided to put J & J on the bed so that i can take pixs of them closer, both of them are so busy chewing off their little chubby fists.

"Didn't bring my stinky out, can i borrow yours?"

"Sorry, stinky is mine but you can have my hand instead.." And Jared goes "Nooo~ I want stinky...!"
Hm, i figure i gotta teach Jared to learn how to share when he's older. Must remember.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm always looking forward to wednesdays cos it's Bleach day! It's the day when i can watch the latest episode of anime Bleach (but i only like to see the battle scenes, haha!). Yup, watching now at 2330hrs now and also American Idol on TV. Watching the contestants at the auditions are always funny, need a good laugh these days.. So will do some more updates and pixs tomorrow. Please look out for it. :) Goodnight!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm beginning to find it hard to start somewhere.. specially when i'm at work all day and after work needs to head down to mom's place to deliver milk. And when i finally settle down at night, at home, my mind is in a blank. Writer's block they call it, not that i'm one.. haha! Will need to note down somewhere once something comes into my mind..!

Nothing in particular, just wanna let you see that my pens & pencils are all soo cute!

Normally we'll plonk Jared in the stroller and bring him out for a walk nearby. To chat with the nearby neighbours & disturb the house dogs. Some bonding time with our kiddo. I believe at his age, (at 6 months!) he actually does know and looks forward to getting out of the house once he sees us coming cos he will scream and stretch out his arms for us to carry. Kinda unbelievable.

Oh no! After shedding some hair during the first few months, it's now growing back sooo slowly. I wanted to shave all of it but my mom don't like bald babies. Oh well.. He's the ONLY botak boy i love in this whole world! Unlikely the other old one who's already got on my nerves on his first day in my dept. Sheesh..

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sorry! My entire weekend are occupied with Jared so no chance of any updates. For your info, my mom is taking care of Jared, her precious grandson during the weekdays, while I will babysit him during the weekends from friday night to sunday. My life will revolved around him during the weekends and here's what we've been up to..

Caught him crapping in action with his legs sticking up and his face turning red for a split second. Even though he's still on breastmilk and his stools are soft & (smooth :D) he still makes an effort to use some strength to force the poop out completely. Good boy! My mom says if a baby keeps grabbing or even chewing his feet, means another brother & sister is on the way.. Glurp! Old wives tales ahhh~ but still, i better be safe than sorry! Ha!

There.. My little meatball after a nice shower all dried & wrapped up waiting for Grams to dress him up. I actually took a clip of him at the shower but not sure if i should expose his little birdy in the open, hee..

Jared on my bed, doin his leg-grabbing thing again.. Ooo.. Dont you wish to have a go at his thighs??

There's always something new for him.. Always a first time for everything.. His first scream, first flip, first meal etc.. They do grow up fast & furious, and you can see the changes everyday, every month. Yesterday was his first solo ride on the bb car seat. No more kicking on mommy all over the place in the car and making her dizzy..~ We let him tried it out at home to make sure the straps are adjusted correctly, with a slight smirk on his face.. Hee..

Jared in his very own personalized seat in the car, looking surprisingly at ease in his best behaviour but in fact holding on the straps for dear life.. :P

ps: Saw jerry on the bus on my way to work today. Suddenly recalled what ob told me about the "story". Makes me see him in a different light, haha!