Sunday, July 20, 2014

Porridge day

Other than sharing what's happening at home & over weekends,
I also took shots of what's happening during office hours..
Not that some of you are interested but thought I should put
it down as well.. For memory sake, hehh..

And so I was telling Pearl (she's like my 2nd mother in the office)
the other day..that I missed her omelette & salad & sandwich party etc
lunch in office stuff.. so she decided to take pity and whispered to
me on a monday blue evening that she's gonna cook sweet potato
porridge the next day for lunch! I was instantaneously happy &
my face lit up like Christmas morning.. Hahahahaha...
Very happy when peeps are taking my words seriously.. Lol..

It was nothing spectacular what with salted eggs, canned braised peanuts,
tofu, kailan etc but it was one of the nicest lunch I ever had.. seriously..
Maybe simplicity is the key.. And of course the efforts put in to prepare
everything together.. I enjoyed it tremendously..
I guess I'm a simple gal.. or maybe I don't live to eat.. *sheepishly**

With office peeps.. Confirm the food is Not Enough for the guys.. Lol..

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