Sunday, July 20, 2014

Back again! (after 3 months hiatus!)

Sorry for my much neglected blog.. I just can't figure out why I can drag
so long in posting just a simple blog post except that I'm lazyyyy... Zzzz..

But in reality, there are just too many apps in phone that are keeping me
busy by posting a pic a day or just instagram rather than writing a
lengthy post.. I suppose I just can't shut down the blog since I've been
at it 5 years ago! And it does contain all the wonderful/happy/sad
memories all these time... Will be a waste to give it all up.. So I try
to write something lah.. Lol..

Sometime in April.. hehh..

Mainly pictures of J again..
He's carrying a suitcase of lego and we are on our way to my
sis & Dennis's place for dinner.. My sis has become quite
a good food & we get to enjoy it!

I'm really grateful that they love J so much ever since
he was a baby.. Undivided attention to him..

J can't wait to show Dennis his lego set & bugged him
to set up with him while the rest of us relaxed after
a hearty meal..


  1. Rozzie! Ur blog has come back alive!

  2. Hehh.. Thanks for the constant support, Teacher Lindy!


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