Sunday, July 20, 2014

Dean & Deluca

So now I'm in a blogging frenzy.. Better seize it before
it simmer down again.. Zzzz...

So Yong suggested checking out some cafes cos she
wanted to taste some cakes to decide what to order
for E. We arranged to meet up in orchard 2 saturdays ago..

Omg, Orchard has changed so much since we last went there..
specially somerset area.. What used to be a huge carpark in
front of the mrt station now stands Somerset 313 and
Orchard Central mall. This part of orchard is still not
overcrowded by shoppers.

There's a planet traveller store and they put
up this mock setup of a cabin and J said
he wanted to take a plane to Japan again...

What a spread..!
It's actually a super belated bdae treat for me as Yong
was super busy but better late than never! :)

Love the open concept & full of their house brand..

Yong's having sinus so her nose is kinda reddish &
J is kaypoh helpful enough to cover the nose ..
and as well as eyes.. -_-

A better one just blocking out the red nose.. Lol..

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