Thursday, August 07, 2014

What to do on a Sunday ..

So Roy has been exposing J to golf recently cos
he wants to have something in common with his son.. -_-
So he brought him to this themed indoor mini golf course
at Big Splash called LilliPutt.

They have 18 mini golf holes - all modelled after
familiar Singapore landmarks.. All to keep the kids occupied..
His first time there.. looking a lil lost..

Today he hit the jackpot and is awarded with a free game..

As this boy is currently obsessed with anything to do
with the solar system.. we brought him to Science centre KidsStop.
But the place was crowded like mad.. omg..

Maybe psycho him to be a pilot next time..

Or a cashier.. hahahahaa...

An astronaut! 

Never mind.. A doctor is still the best.. but must be a gynae, PD
or dentist.. so that can have regular hours..
Jared Loo, our future is in your hands.. lol..

Dunno why they use black ink to chop.. really look
like tattoos..

Focus, Jared Loo!

Went to westgate to have dinner.. and checking out a 3D kind of
picture on the ground.. Does J look like a little man in a teacup?

Monday, August 04, 2014

Gathering at OB's abode (Finally!)

All of us were terribly excited to be able to finally visit OB's house
after he's moved in 2 years ago.. He's a very private person.. hehh..

So some of us are in charge to helping to collect food or deliver
tables & chairs.. I'm in charge of foldable tables & chairs..

So anyway, I went back to office to loan the tables and the pic below
showed something irrelevant to this post.. lol..

But I've supposed to show what's happening on that saturday mah..
So actually I'm setting up a small aquarium in office, for stress reliever
and therapeutic purposes.. will show more pictures in a later post..

OB put in a lot of efforts to make the gathering a comfortable and
with tons of yummy food.. We were all trying to set up the area
before it turns dark.. His porch doesn't have enough lighting..
So I also didn't take much pictures.. or rather I'm too busy
eating rather than taking pictures.. Zzz..

The dessert section was impressive I must say..!

Selfie with my darling yoyo..

And Baby Cayla the photobomber, hahahahhh!

We dropped off the tables back in the office on the way back home..

A picture at Leng's desk to show proof that Lindy is there..! Hee..

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

J and his lego

Lego is really a everlasting toy that we will never get tired of..
all kids love Lego..Their colours are so bright & cheery..

Now that J is older, the choices of his toys also changed..
We got more advanced Lego set for him to build..
Actually Roy is also crazy over Lego.. since he's deprived
from them while he was a child, now he's taking revenge
by getting them back.. Lol..

Sometimes he's bored and doesn't follow the instruction booklet
and will create his own version..

The dustbin as a chimney and the driver holding a chicken driving a jeep
with plates as headlamps.. I think it's hilarious! Hahahhaa..


Everybody has a hairdresser whom you feel comfortable
letting him or her handle your crown of glory..
I have mine too of course..

I've known May for a couple of years now, since I first let
her coloured my hair for my wedding.. I like it so I went back
to her again.. Normally I don't have any particular hairstyle
in mind and will let her decide.. but I think the older I get,
the shorter hair I wanna maintain.. hahahaha! Just tired of
long hair where you have to spend more $$ colouring as
well as waiting for it to dry after a wash.. hehh..

I think my hair grow faster and I have to visit her more often..
Like maybe once a month! Like guys! Zzz...
And it's at causeway point, woodlands.. omg..
So I told her,"Hey May, cut shorter leh.. if not I've to keep coming again!?"

So I got a damn short fringe.. -_-
Three of us with bangs..

Monday, July 21, 2014

Sound of Music at MBS

I've watched the movie Sound of Music since young and know the
most of the songs by heart. Since the movie was something close
to me, I thought I should introduce to J too.. At first he hated it..
But as I was watching it over and over again, I guess the songs
kinda get to him and very soon, he also started singing to them..
Anyway all their songs are so original and beautiful and so
is Julie Andrews.. *gushing**

So when the musical finally came here, I had to go watch it..
We booked tickets for last saturday at 8pm at Mastercard Theatres
at Marina Bay Sands and we had a date with Lily and her gal.. 
Turns out her daughter is into musicals as well.. 

There's a NDP preview at Marina Bay that day while we were
walking to MBS. Somehow when the singapore flag was flown
across the sky along with the Apache and Chinook, the patriotic
spirit in me came alive.. The atmosphere was great, even though
we were just watching from the bridge.. We managed to catch
the F15 fighter jets zoomed past too and it was damn loud..

Beautiful skyline as the sun's setting in the background..

Lily was trying to chat with J but the boy was trying to be funny
and giving gibberish answers and talking real slang fast! =_=

Always making clown faces during selfie shots.. Zzzz...

We weren't allowed to take any pictures inside the theatre but
I just sneaked a shot at the ending scene when the cast was coming
out.. In my opinion, my best moment of the musical was when
the mother nun started singing, my god her voice was so powerful..
Musicals are so spontaneous and incredible and alive!
Love it max. When is my next one?? :)

15th July 2014

We had a small celebration for J with family earlier so
on his actual day I just got him his favourite twelve cupcake,
with one single candle on top.

His face lit up again, as bright as the candle.. :)
I suppose since he's my only child, his birthday each year
is a great deal to me, even though it's just with the family..
It's a celebration of each milestone that he has done &
accomplished.. To think when he was much younger,
I used to worry everyday when is he ever gonna talk..
And now, he's not only talkative throughout the day
(other than when he's asleep..) he can even argue &
quarrel with me and the two of us yelling at each other
at the top of our lungs.. Sheesh..

So even though he does drives me up the wall most of the
time, I'm still thankful he is a happy and normal child with
a mind of his own..

Next milestone, Primary One next year.. Oh my gosh...!?!?!?

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Happy 6th Birthday Jared!

Honestly I can't imagine that my little boy is no longer little
anymore and that he has turned 6!?!?!! I was looking back at
blog posts a few years back when he's just a chubby cute baby
but now he's all grown up skinny & talkative & argumentative
to me! Arghhh! Where's my sweet baby? *sobz**

Had a small celebration with family last sunday (2 days ahead of
his actual bdae) & I ordered this strawberry shortcake that we had
with Yong at Dean & Deluca on the previous weekend..

It was delish but overly priced in my opinion..
And I'm not really a cake person to begin with..

The cake was humongous!
But the birthday boy was super happy about it.
I think he's more interested in singing the bdae song
and blowing out the candle.. =)

Cyan's equally excited as well. I guess all kids like bdae parties..

And I'm tasked to cut the cake..
To my surprise, everybody can wipe out a huge slice of
SSC by themselves! So I guess it's really nice..

Selfie shot of the day.. :D

Porridge day

Other than sharing what's happening at home & over weekends,
I also took shots of what's happening during office hours..
Not that some of you are interested but thought I should put
it down as well.. For memory sake, hehh..

And so I was telling Pearl (she's like my 2nd mother in the office)
the other day..that I missed her omelette & salad & sandwich party etc
lunch in office stuff.. so she decided to take pity and whispered to
me on a monday blue evening that she's gonna cook sweet potato
porridge the next day for lunch! I was instantaneously happy &
my face lit up like Christmas morning.. Hahahahaha...
Very happy when peeps are taking my words seriously.. Lol..

It was nothing spectacular what with salted eggs, canned braised peanuts,
tofu, kailan etc but it was one of the nicest lunch I ever had.. seriously..
Maybe simplicity is the key.. And of course the efforts put in to prepare
everything together.. I enjoyed it tremendously..
I guess I'm a simple gal.. or maybe I don't live to eat.. *sheepishly**

With office peeps.. Confirm the food is Not Enough for the guys.. Lol..

Happy 2nd Birthday Evan

There're a lot of Jul babies I know and E is one of them..
Sometimes I still can't imagine that my buddy Yong
is back in sin after spending more than 10yrs in Seattle
& that she's already a mother of a 2yr old boy..

So anyway it's a small celebration with immediate
family & 3 of us at their home. Yong ordered a plain
ice-cream cake & we put J's mickey mouse & party
toppers on it. Really cute right?? =)

It's a Mickey theme party so J and I came
dressed with Mickey & Minnie tees..

The kids really liven up the atmosphere..
And so they are all 2 years apart, J being 6, Sze-en 4 & Evan 2.

Group selfies for my picture of the day..

Brunch with the family

Have not meet up with my brother & family for some
time since he's always travelling to Chengdu for biz..
So when he's back in town, we decided to arrange for
a get-together to celebrate belated father's day..

The boy next to J is Cyan! And he's now wearing glasses!
So apparently this cheeky boy has been playing tablet games
all day long so inevitably affect his eyesight.. Zzz..

Managed to squeeze in 11 of us into a selfie shot..
Not bad eh..

Hope they will grow up to be close to one another..

Baby Reyd.
And Jared is only 2kg heavier than him!

Dean & Deluca

So now I'm in a blogging frenzy.. Better seize it before
it simmer down again.. Zzzz...

So Yong suggested checking out some cafes cos she
wanted to taste some cakes to decide what to order
for E. We arranged to meet up in orchard 2 saturdays ago..

Omg, Orchard has changed so much since we last went there..
specially somerset area.. What used to be a huge carpark in
front of the mrt station now stands Somerset 313 and
Orchard Central mall. This part of orchard is still not
overcrowded by shoppers.

There's a planet traveller store and they put
up this mock setup of a cabin and J said
he wanted to take a plane to Japan again...

What a spread..!
It's actually a super belated bdae treat for me as Yong
was super busy but better late than never! :)

Love the open concept & full of their house brand..

Yong's having sinus so her nose is kinda reddish &
J is kaypoh helpful enough to cover the nose ..
and as well as eyes.. -_-

A better one just blocking out the red nose.. Lol..