Monday, September 03, 2012

Taking a little break at Santouka

I decided to take a break from home last friday evening. A break in this aspect meant I don't go home for dinner & eat out instead.

Most of the days I will just go home straight after work, so that my mom can cook dinner while I take care of J. But fridays my maid will be around to look after him, thus a excuse (sort of) for me & Roy to have some time for ourselves.

I've been wanting to try out some of the more authentic Japanese ramen here in sin as I can't possibly fly all the way to Japan for their ramen.. Found this Hokkaido Ramen Santouka at Cuppage Terrace in Orchard Road.

Love how the colourful shophouses look like in the night, give you a romantic feel..
We have not been to Orchard during friday nights to chill out ever since we had J some four years ago.
A lot of office workers gathered with friends at the local pubs & eateries, we felt a little out of place.. -_-III 

Sometimes when both of us reached home, we will be busy with J at least until he went to bed. Hardly any time or rather too tired to talk for long..
So it's really nice to be out from home just the two of us spending some time and sharing thoughts together.

I was just lamenting to Roy that I always let him order the more expensive or better quality food.
Not that I'm complaining or he doesn't allow but also because I'm a small eater. I just wanted him to feel appreciative of me.. Haa..

My smaller, cheaper ramen, miso flavour. Salted & soy sauce base soup too salty for me.
Overall verdict of the ramen: Soup tasted great, just like those we had in Tokyo but Roy doesn't like the noodles. I supposed they are air flown over or frozen noodles even..

Taking a slow walk along the restaurants. I guess the place will only liven up during the weekends, who's free to come during the weekdays anyway?
Oh ya, I forgot there's still a lot of  people who are enjoying couplehood or singlehood? :P

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