Monday, September 24, 2012

Mister Maker & Dennis's Birthday

16th Sep, Sunday

J used to like watching CBeebies channel and inside there's this programme called Mister Maker. It's the ultimate arts and crafts show for pre-schoolers which teaches and entertains in fun and imaginative ways. Even I like to watch it.. :)

J insisted on going down to the ground floor where all the kids were seated.. But it was sooo crowded..

Top of the World..
Playing with Roy's hair..

Getting bored..

It's quite a short 1/2 hour show and it's not a dance performance,
and I guess it's hard for him to show everybody his artwork. Oh well..

My sis & Dennis were already at our place when we reached home..
And off to Dennis's arms J went..

We brought back the party pack from Bibi's chalet the night before
and J took out the blowouts to show Dennis.

Just funny to see the two of them blowing them out.. Lol..

I got these cute fast food erasers from Isetan Scotts the other day.
J currently is into playing food toys..

Dinner that evening was Mee Soto. My sis and I both suggested this dish without consulting each other.
Guess sisters think alike.. :)  Really really yummy!

We had enough of cakes from outside, so this time we got mum to bake a blueberry cake at home.

My mum only knows how to bake but not decorate or do wordings..
So I stick some toppers on, Mickey Mouse is J's favourite..

I also prefer Mickey than Minnie. I find she is too girly for me.

Another closeup, they are so cute together..

J's getting very excited.. Keep wanting to stick the candles on the cake..

More so when the candles were all lit up. 32 forever, haha..!

Dennis making a wish while J's getting ready for..

Blowing out the candles. That's his favourite part of the birthday celebration.

Ok, he also likes to cut the cake then.. :)

Setting the plates for us..

Mum has not bake this kind of cake for a long time but it still taste good.
Maybe cos it's so fresh and chilled.

Of course the birthday boy must feed J boy the first scoop.. Lol..

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