Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tired Piddles

I always look tired.. Especially during weekdays when at work.
Cols always ask me, "Ros, you look tired.." and my answer is always, "Yup, you're right. I am tired.."

Everyday is quite routine for me & Roy. After work, go folks place for dinner, bring J back home. Settle him down for bedtime, do some housework & finally we settled down ourselves. Next morning, Roy will fetch me to airport first and J down to Joo Chiat.

When we reached home, Roy will take a shower first while I brush J's teeth, wash the bottles & get ready his milk. Roy will take over and bring him to the bedroom while I take my shower. By the time I'm done, normally the boys will be sound asleep in the room. Daddy still hold his little hand when sleeping, so sweet. :)
The picture looked blurry cos I will switch on the night-light in the room so that I can see where J will roll to when he sleeps.

And in the wee hours of morning without fail, the hungry boy will toss & turn & making grunts in order to wake a sleepy me up to make milk for him. At least twice every night, mind you. Sometimes I'll be so groggy with half-open eyes that I poured hot water onto my hand instead of into the bottle. And then I'll be jolted awake. @_@
At least he holds his own bottle when gulping down the milk, and hand it back to me when done, with his eyes still shut. XD

In the morning, I'll be the first to be awake, wash up and get ready. J will continue his snooze even though we lie him down on the playmat.

Finally up, the cheeky boy. He decided to bring along a piano book.
Cousin Sarah gave him some as she has outgrown them, save us some book money.. :)

Waiting downstairs while Roy went to pick up the car. J will walk up & down but never to the roadside, after continuous shoutings & screamings at him not to. -_-

And dance in glee when he sported daddy's car. Carried him inside, strapped him up in the childseat after much difficulties and off we go.

This is my daily routine.
Always looking forward to the weekends so that I can catch up on sleep. Zzzz~

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