Monday, September 13, 2010

Hari Raya Weekend (Part 1)

Last friday is Hari Raya holiday and we managed to wake up a little later than usual. So good to sleep cos it's a rainy day..

J's super happy to sit in Dennis's car as they came over to pick us up during dinnertime. Opening up the skyroof for J to look out. Anything to keep the cheeky boy entertained.

We went to Sunset Grill & Pub in Seletar for dinner. Not easy to locate the place mann.. Have to watch out for the small hand written signboards along the roads.

They ignored me & walked ahead while I took a few pictures just to show you peeps. :P

Actually nothing much to take cos everything look so run down and old. My feet look so much betta.. LOL. Should apply some nail polish though, look so plain..

I've never been there before so don't understand what's so nice about their food that resulted in such long queues.

Dennis went to queue while we walked with J up and down the corridor. Kids like to do repetitive things, I've noticed.. =_=

The place was not fully occupied but the Q outside snaked all the way to the next block. =_=

Their infamous Buffalo spicy wings. But we're only gamed to try level 2, lol.. Don't wanna risk having a tummy upset mann..

J busy moving & stacking plates from left to right & right to left.

Kids nowadays are so much harder to handle... I remembered last time when bringing my little cousins out for dinner, they will just sit down quietly and zho bo. But now... meal time for us is always a challenge as we have to keep J entertained, feed him or we'll take turns to bring him for a walk while the rest will rush and shoving food into the mouths. Can't really enjoy food in this way mann..

Really have not seen darling Lauren for some time due busy with J when he's down with fever for the past few weeks. So I made a trip on my own to see my little Lauren & mummy on sat.
My, she has gained some weight & her cheeks are so meaty and good to pinch! Not that I bear to pinch lah! :D And you can see her blowing little bubbles in her mouth, awwww.. really a heartbreaker.

After daddy Andrew wiped her mouth clean for me to take another pic, she looked directly into my phone! Must be my cute smiling pink iphone cover that caught her attention! And she makes all these cute little whimpers & grunts that J never did before, must be a girl thing.. I turned all soft inside out.. I want to bring Lauren home mann, babysit for free too!

And mummy Carmen bought this pinky rocker for her, where there's a switch to rock the basket up & down. The 3 of us just sit there & watch & making cooing sounds to her.
She must be thinking.. "Who're these 3 clowns making so much noise infront of me, let me enjoy my ride in peace can?!"

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