Monday, September 27, 2010

J at home

Nothing much exciting over the weekend (actually most of the weekends.. :P). So just update on some pics of Jared at home & his movements.

Other than the toy piano that Carmen bought for J for his birthday, she also got him a set of musical instruments too.
He likes to hang the drum around his neck and walk around the house.

And he's blowing the trumpet the wrong way.. :P

Later that day, our next door neighbour's little girl came over to play.

J likes to go into Roy's study/gaming room to explore & dig out stuff.
Dunno why these few days, he simply refuses to wear shorts & kicks such a big fuss. Maybe he finds it more airy without it.

He likes to read books in this particular position. Weird boy.

We bought a new cushion cover for the rest chair in the living room & here comes J trying to ka chiow..

And first one to climb up to sit on the throne.

Bro and family came over on sunday night, to let my folks see Cyan. He's big enough to sit on the swing coming 8 months old. Mann, my sis-in-law's hair is so long & thick. *Envy*

J is gentle around other babies & even toddlers his age & will share his toys with them. Only when he sees my mom carrying Cyan, he will walk over & try to squeeze in to sit on her lap.
We teaching him how to push the swing gently for Cyan.

After that he feels very happy & smug. Cyan keeps looking at J and will grab his shirt or pull his hair when he goes near him.
ps: Not sure about the clawlike hand behind J's back though..

Cyan weighs a hefty 10.6kg now, only a kg lighter than J. But so far no Michelin tires arms yet..

When milk time comes, J will pull the cushion off the sofa to the floor & he will just plonked on it... But sometimes he will miss the target.

27th Sep, Mon

Reached back home after dinner from folk's place. Saw J pausing in his steps.
Ohhh, he's observing Roy taking a shower, with his hands folded behind, ha!
Well, normally when we're on our own, we don't bother to close the door when we bath. Heh..

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