Monday, September 20, 2010

Hari Raya Weekend (Part 2)

My part 2 post is taking way too long mann. But I'm lazy.. :P
Anyway, decided to bring J to watch Sesame Street show that sunday, even though I know that he has no patience.. But Shimei's bringing JZ along so it's good company.

12th Sep, Sunday

J is recovering from his weeklong fever so you still can see him a little skinny here.. But he's piling back the weight by drinking milk by the gallons.. My $$$$$$... -_-III

Oei, what is that head doing behind?!!
J is looking more like Roy now that he's slimmer. Does that mean when he's fat, he looks more like me?!!

JZ's truck or bulldozer.

Both of us are looking into the viewer iso into the lens.

Mommy Shimei & JZ.

We're seated differently cos didn't get the tickets together but J doesn't seemed to realise that though.. And the show has begun.

Anyway, for a start, he's fixed on the colourful stage.

We found it quite enjoyable cos our childhood sesame street characters had come to life. The only one realistic was Big Bird cos that's how we saw him on TV walking around dancing & stuff. The rest were just half the bodies so it's kinda strange to see them with legs.

But this walking cactus was just hilarious!

There's a break of 15mins for the cast to take a breather..

A break for J too.. By climbing up and down the steps.
And the rest of the show were just dancing and singing, nothing much as it's mainly for the kids.. Not going to load the rest of the show's picture to bore you guys.

After the show, went up to look for them.

Of course must remember to take a pic with the stage behind.

Not forgetting a happy group shot. :)

Not willing to part right away after the show, so we proceeded back to Macdonalds.. Heh..
JZ got some stationery freebies so upon Shimei's request, share some with Jared.

But I think they find iphones much more interesting than erasers and rulers..We went straight home after that. I don't know why but it's really tiring to bring kids out, even for a while. Just don't have endless energy like they do.

Met up with sis & Dennis for dinner that evening. Classic picture of Dennis & J.Didn't take much pictures after that cos I'm relaxing and catching up with sis. :D

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