Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Boeing Boeing & Jac

Went to watch boeing boeing the play at National Library last saturday.
Well, actually I went on behalf of Lindy, who couldn't make it as she went for holidays with her family. I'm the super sub, just like the previous time when Nic couldn't make it to watch Men in tutus. :P

Made my own way to bugis iso asking Roy to fetch so that he can look after J. :) Had dinner at Crystal Jade.

Not really hungry so ordered soup macaroni with egg and luncheon meat. It's one of my favourite comfort food.

Nic joined us much later, and we all gotta wait for her cos she's holding onto all the tickets! Just on time. Took a shot inside before the usherer signaled us that no camera is allowed. But the play haven't start what, we're just taking pictures of ourselves, cannot meh?!

There was a break of 15mins during interval so we went out to take a breather. Took a groupie shot before goofing around at the lounge area.

Just love the reverse viewer of my cammie. Will never ever be out of focus. :)

Passerbys think we're lunatics.. :P

Even the tickets were not spared from the camwhoring.. We damn boliao..

Took a pic together with the banner after the show. Daniel's not in the picture cos he rushed to intercontinental hotel to take a crap.

It's Jac's birthday on monday, so we got Greg to join us at Lau Pa Sat with a birthday cake. It's covered in oats & walnut on chocolate cake, not too bad.

Jac's so happy and touched and smiling from ear to ear.

Danny couldn't make it that evening so he asked Nic to give her a kiss. But Nic's mouth was greasy from all the food so gotta use a tissue instead. Should just wipe her mouth clean and give Jac a big fat wet kiss hor..

We chatted & joked till 1am before heading home. Glad to be out of the house after taking care of J for a few days straight.. Not that I'm complaining.. Just need the company of friends once in a while..

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