Saturday, September 04, 2010

Day 5 of fever

02th Sep, Thur
Went to see family doc that evening.. Doc heard some murmurs on J's left lung over his stethoscope and suspected might be a infection, which could lead to pneumonia. He immediately wrote a referral letter to have a x-ray done in KKH. I was in a daze when I carried J out of the consultation room. Sis looked at me & ask what happened. My tears just rolled down as I told them I have to bring J to KKH. Dunno why, I just got very very worried at that moment. So we went home to wash up and also packed some of J's necessities in case need to be admited, and rushed there.

We were shocked to see sooo many kids and parents waiting for consulation, most cases with high fever. Jared was brave initally cos he did not scream or cry when staff nurse drew blood from his fingertip to check for cause for his fever. Next we waited for almost 3 hours for the doc to examine J & he started screaming & choking on his phlegm when doc checked his mouth for ulcers with the wooden stick and he recommended for x-ray on his lungs for any infection. I had to pin & press him against the glass for imaging, poor baby...

While waiting for the results, J's still very alert and he will hold our hand to accompany him to walk round and round for almost 2 hours. We took turns to walk with him while the other will rest and dozing off.

Finally at almost 3.15am, the doc called us in to informed that there is no abnormality on his blood & x-ray image looked clear. By then, J's already dozing off on my shoulder and my back is breaking!

Though we spent almost 6 hours at KKH, we were relieved that everything turned out ok. And the new prescription proved to be effective as his temperature had gone down to normal.

This is J at home today on saturday. His weight now is 9.9kg compared to 10.9kg last sunday.
Bird's feet now. Not chubby and cute anymore.. -_-

ps: We've decided to put on hold the daycare for J, as mom objected violently on putting him there as she thinks their management of her precious grandson leave much to be desired. So for the time being, we'll just concentrate on nursing him back to health and boost up on his immune system first. Wouldn't want to provoke the main caretaker, right? :P

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