Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Haircut & Dennis's Birthday

J's unruly hair is getting long and really makes him look like a girl. Everytime we bring him out, passersby will say what a cute girl. We just smile and move on cos lazy to explain.

Zoom in shot of Jared "girl". Haha!
Mom brought him to 7-eleven one day and he grabbed a pack of stickers of fruits and refused to let go, so no choice she has to pay up for it. -_-
And he will stick all over the place including himself.

And so we brought him for a haircut nearby at TM last saturday, those cheap $10 haircut kiosk.
He didn't want to sit by himself so Roy has to place him on his lap and lure him with videos and gummies. I asked for a short neat hairstyle, nothing fanciful like a tail or something.
Snip snip snip.

I'm surprised he didn't kick a big fuss over the stylist messing with his hair.

After completing the cut for J (finally!), it's Roy's turn. We let J loose to roam outside (haha!) but occasionally he will take a peek on his daddy.
20 bucks for the 2 boys, good deal!

The end product. Ham or not? :D
At least I think he looks more like a boy now, with a boy's hairstyle.

That evening, we dropped by sis's place to celebrate for Dennis. He's so happy flashing his sunkist smile & so is Jared! And as usual, will jump up & down in excitment when we sang the birthday song.

Sorry if the clip looks blur as Roy used a crappy application take the video.

Happy Birthday Dennis!
Love from all of us!

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