Monday, September 27, 2010

J at home

Nothing much exciting over the weekend (actually most of the weekends.. :P). So just update on some pics of Jared at home & his movements.

Other than the toy piano that Carmen bought for J for his birthday, she also got him a set of musical instruments too.
He likes to hang the drum around his neck and walk around the house.

And he's blowing the trumpet the wrong way.. :P

Later that day, our next door neighbour's little girl came over to play.

J likes to go into Roy's study/gaming room to explore & dig out stuff.
Dunno why these few days, he simply refuses to wear shorts & kicks such a big fuss. Maybe he finds it more airy without it.

He likes to read books in this particular position. Weird boy.

We bought a new cushion cover for the rest chair in the living room & here comes J trying to ka chiow..

And first one to climb up to sit on the throne.

Bro and family came over on sunday night, to let my folks see Cyan. He's big enough to sit on the swing coming 8 months old. Mann, my sis-in-law's hair is so long & thick. *Envy*

J is gentle around other babies & even toddlers his age & will share his toys with them. Only when he sees my mom carrying Cyan, he will walk over & try to squeeze in to sit on her lap.
We teaching him how to push the swing gently for Cyan.

After that he feels very happy & smug. Cyan keeps looking at J and will grab his shirt or pull his hair when he goes near him.
ps: Not sure about the clawlike hand behind J's back though..

Cyan weighs a hefty 10.6kg now, only a kg lighter than J. But so far no Michelin tires arms yet..

When milk time comes, J will pull the cushion off the sofa to the floor & he will just plonked on it... But sometimes he will miss the target.

27th Sep, Mon

Reached back home after dinner from folk's place. Saw J pausing in his steps.
Ohhh, he's observing Roy taking a shower, with his hands folded behind, ha!
Well, normally when we're on our own, we don't bother to close the door when we bath. Heh..

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tired Piddles

I always look tired.. Especially during weekdays when at work.
Cols always ask me, "Ros, you look tired.." and my answer is always, "Yup, you're right. I am tired.."

Everyday is quite routine for me & Roy. After work, go folks place for dinner, bring J back home. Settle him down for bedtime, do some housework & finally we settled down ourselves. Next morning, Roy will fetch me to airport first and J down to Joo Chiat.

When we reached home, Roy will take a shower first while I brush J's teeth, wash the bottles & get ready his milk. Roy will take over and bring him to the bedroom while I take my shower. By the time I'm done, normally the boys will be sound asleep in the room. Daddy still hold his little hand when sleeping, so sweet. :)
The picture looked blurry cos I will switch on the night-light in the room so that I can see where J will roll to when he sleeps.

And in the wee hours of morning without fail, the hungry boy will toss & turn & making grunts in order to wake a sleepy me up to make milk for him. At least twice every night, mind you. Sometimes I'll be so groggy with half-open eyes that I poured hot water onto my hand instead of into the bottle. And then I'll be jolted awake. @_@
At least he holds his own bottle when gulping down the milk, and hand it back to me when done, with his eyes still shut. XD

In the morning, I'll be the first to be awake, wash up and get ready. J will continue his snooze even though we lie him down on the playmat.

Finally up, the cheeky boy. He decided to bring along a piano book.
Cousin Sarah gave him some as she has outgrown them, save us some book money.. :)

Waiting downstairs while Roy went to pick up the car. J will walk up & down but never to the roadside, after continuous shoutings & screamings at him not to. -_-

And dance in glee when he sported daddy's car. Carried him inside, strapped him up in the childseat after much difficulties and off we go.

This is my daily routine.
Always looking forward to the weekends so that I can catch up on sleep. Zzzz~

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Haircut & Dennis's Birthday

J's unruly hair is getting long and really makes him look like a girl. Everytime we bring him out, passersby will say what a cute girl. We just smile and move on cos lazy to explain.

Zoom in shot of Jared "girl". Haha!
Mom brought him to 7-eleven one day and he grabbed a pack of stickers of fruits and refused to let go, so no choice she has to pay up for it. -_-
And he will stick all over the place including himself.

And so we brought him for a haircut nearby at TM last saturday, those cheap $10 haircut kiosk.
He didn't want to sit by himself so Roy has to place him on his lap and lure him with videos and gummies. I asked for a short neat hairstyle, nothing fanciful like a tail or something.
Snip snip snip.

I'm surprised he didn't kick a big fuss over the stylist messing with his hair.

After completing the cut for J (finally!), it's Roy's turn. We let J loose to roam outside (haha!) but occasionally he will take a peek on his daddy.
20 bucks for the 2 boys, good deal!

The end product. Ham or not? :D
At least I think he looks more like a boy now, with a boy's hairstyle.

That evening, we dropped by sis's place to celebrate for Dennis. He's so happy flashing his sunkist smile & so is Jared! And as usual, will jump up & down in excitment when we sang the birthday song.

Sorry if the clip looks blur as Roy used a crappy application take the video.

Happy Birthday Dennis!
Love from all of us!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hari Raya Weekend (Part 2)

My part 2 post is taking way too long mann. But I'm lazy.. :P
Anyway, decided to bring J to watch Sesame Street show that sunday, even though I know that he has no patience.. But Shimei's bringing JZ along so it's good company.

12th Sep, Sunday

J is recovering from his weeklong fever so you still can see him a little skinny here.. But he's piling back the weight by drinking milk by the gallons.. My $$$$$$... -_-III

Oei, what is that head doing behind?!!
J is looking more like Roy now that he's slimmer. Does that mean when he's fat, he looks more like me?!!

JZ's truck or bulldozer.

Both of us are looking into the viewer iso into the lens.

Mommy Shimei & JZ.

We're seated differently cos didn't get the tickets together but J doesn't seemed to realise that though.. And the show has begun.

Anyway, for a start, he's fixed on the colourful stage.

We found it quite enjoyable cos our childhood sesame street characters had come to life. The only one realistic was Big Bird cos that's how we saw him on TV walking around dancing & stuff. The rest were just half the bodies so it's kinda strange to see them with legs.

But this walking cactus was just hilarious!

There's a break of 15mins for the cast to take a breather..

A break for J too.. By climbing up and down the steps.
And the rest of the show were just dancing and singing, nothing much as it's mainly for the kids.. Not going to load the rest of the show's picture to bore you guys.

After the show, went up to look for them.

Of course must remember to take a pic with the stage behind.

Not forgetting a happy group shot. :)

Not willing to part right away after the show, so we proceeded back to Macdonalds.. Heh..
JZ got some stationery freebies so upon Shimei's request, share some with Jared.

But I think they find iphones much more interesting than erasers and rulers..We went straight home after that. I don't know why but it's really tiring to bring kids out, even for a while. Just don't have endless energy like they do.

Met up with sis & Dennis for dinner that evening. Classic picture of Dennis & J.Didn't take much pictures after that cos I'm relaxing and catching up with sis. :D

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hari Raya Weekend (Part 1)

Last friday is Hari Raya holiday and we managed to wake up a little later than usual. So good to sleep cos it's a rainy day..

J's super happy to sit in Dennis's car as they came over to pick us up during dinnertime. Opening up the skyroof for J to look out. Anything to keep the cheeky boy entertained.

We went to Sunset Grill & Pub in Seletar for dinner. Not easy to locate the place mann.. Have to watch out for the small hand written signboards along the roads.

They ignored me & walked ahead while I took a few pictures just to show you peeps. :P

Actually nothing much to take cos everything look so run down and old. My feet look so much betta.. LOL. Should apply some nail polish though, look so plain..

I've never been there before so don't understand what's so nice about their food that resulted in such long queues.

Dennis went to queue while we walked with J up and down the corridor. Kids like to do repetitive things, I've noticed.. =_=

The place was not fully occupied but the Q outside snaked all the way to the next block. =_=

Their infamous Buffalo spicy wings. But we're only gamed to try level 2, lol.. Don't wanna risk having a tummy upset mann..

J busy moving & stacking plates from left to right & right to left.

Kids nowadays are so much harder to handle... I remembered last time when bringing my little cousins out for dinner, they will just sit down quietly and zho bo. But now... meal time for us is always a challenge as we have to keep J entertained, feed him or we'll take turns to bring him for a walk while the rest will rush and shoving food into the mouths. Can't really enjoy food in this way mann..

Really have not seen darling Lauren for some time due busy with J when he's down with fever for the past few weeks. So I made a trip on my own to see my little Lauren & mummy on sat.
My, she has gained some weight & her cheeks are so meaty and good to pinch! Not that I bear to pinch lah! :D And you can see her blowing little bubbles in her mouth, awwww.. really a heartbreaker.

After daddy Andrew wiped her mouth clean for me to take another pic, she looked directly into my phone! Must be my cute smiling pink iphone cover that caught her attention! And she makes all these cute little whimpers & grunts that J never did before, must be a girl thing.. I turned all soft inside out.. I want to bring Lauren home mann, babysit for free too!

And mummy Carmen bought this pinky rocker for her, where there's a switch to rock the basket up & down. The 3 of us just sit there & watch & making cooing sounds to her.
She must be thinking.. "Who're these 3 clowns making so much noise infront of me, let me enjoy my ride in peace can?!"