Monday, September 24, 2012

Mister Maker & Dennis's Birthday

16th Sep, Sunday

J used to like watching CBeebies channel and inside there's this programme called Mister Maker. It's the ultimate arts and crafts show for pre-schoolers which teaches and entertains in fun and imaginative ways. Even I like to watch it.. :)

J insisted on going down to the ground floor where all the kids were seated.. But it was sooo crowded..

Top of the World..
Playing with Roy's hair..

Getting bored..

It's quite a short 1/2 hour show and it's not a dance performance,
and I guess it's hard for him to show everybody his artwork. Oh well..

My sis & Dennis were already at our place when we reached home..
And off to Dennis's arms J went..

We brought back the party pack from Bibi's chalet the night before
and J took out the blowouts to show Dennis.

Just funny to see the two of them blowing them out.. Lol..

I got these cute fast food erasers from Isetan Scotts the other day.
J currently is into playing food toys..

Dinner that evening was Mee Soto. My sis and I both suggested this dish without consulting each other.
Guess sisters think alike.. :)  Really really yummy!

We had enough of cakes from outside, so this time we got mum to bake a blueberry cake at home.

My mum only knows how to bake but not decorate or do wordings..
So I stick some toppers on, Mickey Mouse is J's favourite..

I also prefer Mickey than Minnie. I find she is too girly for me.

Another closeup, they are so cute together..

J's getting very excited.. Keep wanting to stick the candles on the cake..

More so when the candles were all lit up. 32 forever, haha..!

Dennis making a wish while J's getting ready for..

Blowing out the candles. That's his favourite part of the birthday celebration.

Ok, he also likes to cut the cake then.. :)

Setting the plates for us..

Mum has not bake this kind of cake for a long time but it still taste good.
Maybe cos it's so fresh and chilled.

Of course the birthday boy must feed J boy the first scoop.. Lol..

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Birthday Party Invitation

One of our Line Ops trainer Bibi invited us to her son's 6 years old
birthday party at Aranda Country Club chalet last saturday.
Good thing it's nearby if not, I'll just be too lazy to go.. But then again, most
of the chalets are situated in the East..

A lot of staff turned up with their families to join in the fun..

Roy is already close to many of my cols, now it's J's turn to know them..

He even allowed Lily's hubby, Suhaimi to carry him.
Kinda gullible in a way, anybody can just whisk him away..

Kevin the bomber photobombing again.. J looks serene in the pictures..  :D

Initially I couldn't tell that the cake's in the shape of number 6 cos
the place was kinda dimmed..

The birthday boy, Danial in red. Bibi and his little brother on the left.

Bibi's hubby, Sunny seemed to like J and I keep seeing him holding J's hand.. :)

I've managed to train J to stand in front of posters for
photo taking but he's still not looking at me!

I'm like a paparazzi who keeps following J around..
He spied some toys in the room & trooped in to investigate..

Our fringes look ridiculous!
Weather that night was so hot that I was sweaty & glasses kept drooping!

All the kids (big & small) had a rolling good time with the balloons.

Somehow we had to keep the kids entertained so we went
downstairs for some sparkles fun..

J thought that it's a candle and keep wanting to blow it out,
we had to scream to make him stop!

Shaz is a super sweet, pretty young lady who's very good with the kids,
she gave J the last sparkle. He managed to learn to swing it around instead
of blowing out.. Heh..

Had to leave soon cos it's really super hot & humid, I couldn't take it!
Both my big & little guy stepping on the square panels that change colours..

That's all for last saturday!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hi-5 Holiday

09 Sep, Sunday

Bought the Hi-5 tickets at the last minute cos we cannot make up our minds whether should
we spend the money or not. Ended up getting 2 tickets that cost $106 in all, only for me & J.
Roy will have wait for us somewhere, he doesn't mind he'll rather read his jap books..

There's no class at Hess that sunday due to the school hols so we take it easy at home.
Had finished charging the camera battery so just took a few shots of J.

Think I'm gonna print this out to put at my desk..

J trying to push Roy away from his kissing advances.. Lol..

Hi-5 are performing at Sands theatre and it's the first time we brought J to MBS.
So naturally he's checking the place out and his reaction is damn big, wowing at everything..

Looking everywhere but into the camera so I held his face up. Lol..

A picture next to the Hi-5 logo is a must so we waited for our turn.
J put up his signature cheese sign but I said must be Hi-5!
So in the end, he figured cheese sign on the right & hi-5 on the left..

1, 2, 3, 4, Hi-5!!!

Professional cameras not allowed in the theatre so I had to settle with iphone. :(
The theatre was not fully occupied but it's more than half filled up.
There's a lot of parents who bought the goodie bag for their kids, it cost $30!
They really know how to chop carrot out of the parents..

Sorry, the front view camera's crappy & the place was dim.

Brought along the Hi-5 tee that Carmen got for J. He insists on bringing along to wear..

I'm kinda glad now that J is older, he is more manageable whenever I bring him out.
I can just lie back on my seat and let him dance & sing at the aisle.
He will look back at me if he wants to go down the steps, & if I shake my head he will just stay put.
Actually it's really a waste of my money to buy a seat for him cos he hardly sit down! =_=

Just put up one picture of Hi-5, don't wanna bore you with them plus,
quality of the picture's crappy too..

The show lasted a little more than 1.5 hours and I should say J quite enjoyed it.
He might not remember when he's older but I'll have the pictures to show to him.
Will go together with Lauren when she's older, definitely more fun together.. :)