Friday, May 18, 2012

Quiet Birthday

This year's birthday celebration was not as extravagant as last year but nonetheless some of my peeps managed to celebrate with me, I'm blessed.

First on the list was with Roy, we celebrated a week earlier.
Initially he wanted to surprise by treating me to the Titanic : The Artifact Exhibition at ArtScience Museum but when we reached there, he suddenly realised that it has already ended it's run at end of April. What a boo boo! Attempted surprise failed.. Hahahaa!

He was expecting me to blow up.. Maybe a few years ago, I would have.. But now, I have other more important things to worry about than these trival matters.. Heh..

Was feeling kinda hungry so we went to the gelato stand in Marina Square for waffle. Pretty nice.

Walking around Orchard thinking of what to have for dinner, got tired so just ended up at TCC at Isetan Scotts.

It was simple yet meaningful timeout for us, just catching up on our thoughts and future.
As for pressie from him, will kiv until he starts work next month. Heh..

A lunch treat from my vp and avp.

I actually had another birthday treat from Lily but as I was too excited meeting her up, that I forgotten to take a pix with her.. :P

Colleagues from office started singing the birthday song when I busy typing away at my desk. A nice surprise.

Had dinner with 1/4 of the makan gang at Central last friday night. Small group but I'm already happy & contented. 

Pressie from Diana which J insisted on opening up when I reached home.

Breakfast treat from Roy on my birthday, also Mother's Day treat by the way. Really rich but I enjoyed it.

While waiting for J to come out from class, I saw him holding onto a single stalk of carnation & a card.
Happy Mother's Day to all mummies of the world.

And then upon reaching home, I was surprised to find a bouquet of flowers for me! It's from my very best buddy, Shimei. I also understand that nowadays it's just getting hard to meet her up as she also has her own family commitments.

And I didn't know that she & Roy were actually in cahoot to surprise me. They've made me so very happy on my birthday. *hugs**

All the beautiful "flowers" I received on my birthday. I'm happy already..  :)

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