Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last term of Spring Class

There's always a performance by the kids at the end of each term, to let the parents see their progress. Time really flies.. J's been at Hess close to one year and he really enjoyed his time there.

The K2 kids were reciting poems and short stories to us. Most of the kids are outgoing and don't experience any stage frights.

And here's the kids from nursery 2, all rearing to go on stage.. 

Waving the jingles and prancing around happily.

 They're still too young to know where to stand in position so Teacher Lara will make them stand in the assigned circles.

J's costume is a dinosaur, what a cute tail.

Having a good stretch before the music start..

Looking at me for assurance. Thank goodness now he doesn't come running to me all the time..

Drayden is so cute, his batman suit seemed wee too big for him. 

Lara making sure he's all right, and tried to adjust his cape for him.. :D 

Another oversized Tigger costume.. Heh.. 

Getting the kids ready for photo taking.. Not sure where J learnt how to cover his mouth when laughing..?

I think J's the happiest kid at that time, kept beaming from ear to ear.. ('',)

They can never stay still long enough, and after a few quick shots, they got distracted & started moving around. Kids.. :P

Happy Birthday to Papa

Last saturday, 26th May was my dad's birthday so we bought a cake on our way home, intending to surprise him when he and mum get home. J saw me placing the cake in the fridge and kept insisting he wants to cut the cake. I said have to wait for gong gong to come back first. He was so impatient and kept running up and down shouting for gong gong.. =_=

Finally we heard them at the doorway and quickly turned off the hall light & lighted up the candle. Pa was very happy when J sang the birthday song to him.

But I think J's the most happy when he finally get the cut the cake!

And the first one to taste the cream too. Anyway, J hates all types of fruits except banana and I happened to buy a mango cake, which is my dad's favourite. So after a mouthful, he refused to take another bite liao..
Remind me to order a chocolate cake for his birthday then.. -_-

Saturday with Yong

Yong's back for good, settled into a stable job and in a few months time, she'll be a brand new mummy.
We accompanied her to Ikea to look at some furniture to set up her room. It's also one of J's favourite place to go.

I totally love this boy's room, so does J. Maybe next time I will revamp one of the rooms to be Jared's room.
J sharing play with a PRC girl (they're everywhere mann).. The little girl asked him to play somewhere else but J totally ignored her. I think he doesn't know what she's talking about.. Lol..

Boys are just as fascinated about cookware as girls.. All the folks were standing behind watching them at play.. It's quite a sight actually..

Where are all the girls gone to? Boy Power!

Yong came back to our place to see what stuff I've prepared to pass over to her. So I asked if she'll like to take some pre-preg photos for keepsake.

So I moved away some stuff in the background and made the place more comfy for her. J decided to sit next to her and pose for me. It seemed he's getting more natural in front of the camera.. Heh..

Mum and mummy to be.
Precious cargo. "Made in Seattle"

Due to arrive in less than 2 months. Another July baby, like J and Lauren.. :)

We fetched Yong to her mom's place and stayed there for dinner. I love her mom's cooking, home cooked meals are the best...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

At the pool

Jared is a happy boy.. that is as long as he gets to go out.. -_-

Old navy swimwear that Yong brought home for me from the states.

Roy brought J and mom to SIA sports club during the weekdays for a swim, it's normally not crowded.
There's this little black girl who's fixated to J and kept playing with him.

J is a very routine person. If they went TM for lunch after swimming, then after every swim, he will insist on going TM. And without fail, he will drag Roy to 2nd level for car ride..

Hmm.. Wondering why can't he do that everytime when we ask him to write? Maybe cos it's by force?!! Lol..

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Flyer with Yeeyee & Dennis

J loves ferris wheel. Every time when we passed by the Singapore Flyer or anywhere near her, J will go.. Ferris wheel, want to go? And I will always say, wait for yeeyee & yeezhang ok? He can get free tickets for us.. I'm such a cheapo.. but hey, one adult ticket cost nearly $30 ok?!

So finally, we managed to go last sunday, on mother's day no less.. J was ecstatic!

J simply has no patience to stand at the spot for me and insisted on moving forward.

He's now very good with his peace sign, will flash up when we say peace!

J's sense of direction is very good. Any place once we brought him there, he will remembered exactly where to go. Like he wanted to go to the flyer straight away but as my sister & Dennis were not there yet, we had to go to the park first.. J was close to tears.. =_=

I thought this pix of us looked ok except for my hair fell on J's head and spoilt it.. Arghh..

Finally they've reached and we went to redeem for the tickets. J was rearing to go! Mad excited!

Playing and dancing, feeling amused with his own shadow..

He was that happy with my sis and Dennis around.

This boy's not afraid of heights as all. I was far away from the window, sitting down at all times..

Almost as high as the building in the background.. *shudders**

The two very important men in Jared's life..

Picture of Roy taken by J with my camera, which explains the angle from below.. Lol..

Whenever he laughed or giggled like that, I will want to think that he is a very sweet boy.
Just hope that now he is bigger, his tantrums and tempers will gradually tone down.. Still wishing!

Had a good dinner at Marina Square.. And heard a lot of commotion coming from the rock climbing competition. J insisted on checking out..

Super love this pix, must blow up.

Whenever Dennis is carrying J, ever since he was a baby.. They've always share a tender moment together.. Which I can't help capturing that special moment..

Jared, you must remember who loves you and reciprocate back ok? If not, I'll come chasing after you smacking your backside!