Monday, July 18, 2011

Lauren's 1st Birthday!

Time really really whizzed by so fast, before I know it, Lauren's already turning 1! I still remembered very clearly all the correspondences I had with Carmen when she's still expecting Lauren giving her lotsa support & advices, and visiting her when she delivered Lauren at KKH.

The kids are growing up so fast & furious, and so are we, getting older by the years! Arghh!

Getting ready at home on a saturday early afternoon, after his yahama class. All hot & sweaty already.. =_=III

A happy Strawberry Shortcake poster greeted us cheerfully at the entrance of the function room. She used to be my favourite childhood character too! But nowadays SSC look so different from the ones in the eighties..

We're the first few to reach so had plenty of time to noose around taking pics.. Main focus was of course the Melia family.

And before the crowd comes in, I must take a picture with my god-daughter! *happy**

And on Carmen's right is her Godmother as well.. And I noticed Carmen serving her food & drinks. So I was telling Carmen that next time when I grow old, Lauren can serve me food as well.. Lol..

A lot of time & effort put in by Carmen & Andrew to make it all happened. Good job!

I especially love the flowers, so cheerful!

This is my favourite shot!

Well, this too... :)

Lauren at 5 months old, during Christmas. So chubby then!

I'm a sucker for details..

She's quite sleepy so Carmen took her out for a quick nap.

We looked like the number 10.

Finally! J can wear the Osh Kosh that Yong bought for him. That time when she came back from seattle for holidays, J's only 14 months old!

And now.. he's 36 months old.. really fast & naughty!

And he's so restless, cannot just sit quietly on the chair.. Roy has to bring him out for a walk.. I have be "professional" and take pictures, thanks dee!

Playing hide & seek..

Both Roy & my eyes are big what, how come J's so small? I swear I didn't laugh at people when I was preggy.. -_-

Lauren's favourite fruit is strawberry, just like the Strawberry Shortcake theme party.

Since Carmen & Lauren's birthday is only 3 days apart, they decided to hold a double celebration with 2 cakes.

Lauren's cake was of course her favourite Strawberry Shortcake character.

While Carmen's durian cake is the character called Apple Dumplin'. They all used to be my childhood toys..

Family pic before cake cutting.

Happy Birthday to my dearest Carmen & Lauren!


I'm surprised J let me put on the party hat on him.

Only for a short while mann..

Lauren is officially 1 year old! *proud**

Hope the kids will grow up together happy & healthy!

Looking forward to a trip together soon, hopefully to Manchester next year. *Roy praying very hard**

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