Thursday, July 14, 2011

Nitez Out

It's been some time since I had dinner with the rest. Gave OB a belated birthday treat as he's been busy during his bd week. As we're trying to save time, dinner was at boss SHock's place at the downstairs kopitiam zhi char store. I want to eat crab but they don't have that day. What a damper!

But the company mattered more than the dinner.. We were all passing around the dishes to scoop out for each other, really feel like family. :)

Got a tiny cake for OB, just enough for him to make a wish & blow out the candle. Even though he kept saying he don't need birthday song & stuff but I know he's secretly very happy one!

As OB is having flu, Daniel tried to help Yoyo put on the mask or he's just trying to be funny, LOL..
OB's gathering his favourite combination of tiles again before I snap a pic..


SHock decided to place 3 of "Hong Zhong" together cos they looked better, and smiling goofy-ly away..

Strike 3!

My turn to take with the birthday boy!

Cannot find ultraman, so spidey will do the job.

Managed to coax OB to pose a peace sign for me, I'm so good!
But he really looks better when he smiles right? Looks very approachable, haha!

Balancing my cammie precariously on the tv top. Yeah!

OB is a lucky man, at that moment!

We settled down for MJ after all the joking and fooling around while the rest played cards & watching indian movie..

Danny & Yoyo lazing on the sofa while I went around taking pics.. I took a break from MJ cos I was losing and asked SHock to recoup the losses for me. But I still lost cos I've lost stamina during round 2. Where is Roy when I need him?? Oh, he has to work OT. I can't complain for the sake of money.. @_@

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