Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jared's 3th Birthday!

J had his birthday party a week after Lauren's party, on last sunday. Actually J & L's birthday are only 2 days apart being L on the 13th & J on the 15th. A lot of birthdays in July!

Sometimes if I reached home early after work, I'll bring J down for a walk.. And when Roy can also knock off early, we will walk across the highway over to Giant megamall to meet him. J now wants to sit inside the trolley and will help guard the foodstuff. We're topping up drinks for the party & H2O for my sis to replenish her lost fluids.

And everywhere we go, J Must hold on to his ezlink card.. must be those normal blue card.. He think he is taking bus.. If you have any spare cards, please give me!

Got a tiny cake with a little mouse (since he's borned in the Rat year) on his actual birthday last friday, to let him blow the candle.

But he just cannot sit still and want to run away so Roy has to prop his leg against him to prevent him from escaping.. =_=

This boy doesn't want to sing the whole birthday song but only the last word.
And you can see him touching the cream & then smeared it on the table! *faint**

Sis couldn't come cos a few days after her chemo, her white blood cells drop drastically. Her immune system will be low so we don't wanna risk her getting any infections in crowded areas.

My nephew Cyan, now 18months old. He has a mohawk hairstyle, I think shaved by the parents..

J&J. They've grown so much, don't you think?

Huff & puff to carry the big prezzie..

Carmen forgotten they have to attend aunt's 60th birthday dinner but she & Andrew still swung by a while to celebrate for J. *hugzz**
Lauren stayed at home with helper as she's not feeling so well that day.

They got 2 prezzies for J.
And the boy's already so contented & happy just by stacking up the boxes.. Onzz, next time we'll just get nice boxes from Ikea can already..

It's a Thomas & Friends train set!

Andrew said it's for 3 year olds but assembling the set's for 30 year olds.. =_=III
I leave that to Roy to set up mann..

Andrew's spot on! J loves the train set! Thank you Aunty Carmen!

J is into Hi-5 this year so I ordered one just for him.. but that doesn't mean he don't like Elmo anymore.. Kids his age are so fickle-minded!

Close up of the customised carrot cake.

Getting excited after seeing his Hi-5 cake & trying to sing in mandarin, haha!

As usual, we got Roy's brother to stand with J cos his birthday is on the 18th so just nice, can sing the song to both of them.

A unglam pose of Piddles sticking up her leg.. :P

Putting down his precious ezlink card so that I can hold his hands to cut the cake.. Sheesh..

J & bro.

Jason + Shimei = JZ

Pa with his 2 grandsons.

The Loos..

Just very difficult for me to try to get a decent shot of them together, cannot sit up straight!

This is the best I can get, of them holding hands..

And in this pic, JZ is 9mths old, and J at 7mths at the same position. :D
They're sooo chubby & cute at that age right?! Awwww~

BFF forever!

Whenever we asked J for a kiss, he will stretch out his face for us to kiss him. But this time round, Roy forced his face over instead.

Unwrapping the prezzie that Lily got for him. She's just so sweet, every year will remember J's birthday. *hugzz*

It's a fisherprice doodle board!

J wasted no time in chopping shapes on the board. Thanks Aunty Lily!
Now that he's slimmer, including the face.. You can see his dimples now, thanks goodness they're still there.. :P

So other than all the lovely prezzies, there're big angpows from J's grandfolks, jiu jiu, yee yee, godpa & aunt Yoyo. All going into his education account.

ps: Jared, you are a very lucky boy & everybody still loves you even though you are constantly testing your mummy's patience. You must remember my dear ones when you're older next time, ok?

~~Happy Birthday J Boy, we love you very much~~


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