Thursday, July 15, 2010

Night out & a brand new Life

Every week we request for a "off day" from mom, so that Roy & I can spend some quality time together, to just catch up on daily stuff. It's normally a dinner or sometimes catching up on movies. (We're moviebuffs!). I think it's still important that we spare some time for each other, even though the rest are spent on J now.. cos eventually when your kids are all grown up & living their own life & setting up families, your spouse is the one who will remain & accompany you for the rest of yours. :P

With J around, it's really quite impossible to engage in a conversation when he keeps coming up to you wanting your undivided attention on him, or want you to do stuff for him.
Thanks to mom & sis for being understanding and helped in babysitting J!

So on tuesday evening, I suggested going to one of our favourite joints at Geylang, "Wan Dou Sheg" in cantonese which loosely translate to english "Found the Food".
Dennis first intro us many years back, raving about their steamed chicken feet & we haven't looked back since..

The stir-fried noodles was something new on the menu, the rest are our usual orders. Like deep fried prawn dumplings, carrot cake, chicken feet, steamed spare ribs & yam balls.

Yup, my favourite are the yam balls! I love yam basically but these have the char siew fillings inside, so nice!

And this stir fried la mian with all the fatty pork is Heaven! (Wonders if OB retires from fatty meat or not? :P)

And on wednesday evening, Piddles paid a visit at KK.

And who is this cutie pie? Yup, the long awaited arrival of Baby Lauren! Yes, Carmen has finally given birth to little "mango" as we affectionally nicknamed her.

Snoozing away, obliviously to the surrounding noises that we made in the room.

Did Piddles tell you guys that she absolutely Loves newborn babies? Cos they're soo cute all swaddled up and snoozing away & smelling absolutely baby! Awww~~~

All the well wishes gifts for the new arrival.

Lauren & mommy Carmen.

The clothes came loose, showing off her little pink chest. Getting grumpy cos feeling hungry already..

Daddy & daughter moment. Endearing.

One eye peering out at us.. Isn't she a darling? :)

Why all babies cry with their eyes shut? So cute..

Andrew & Carmen attempting to swaddle Lauren up.

A co-worker of Andrew's carrying Lauren while her kids looked on in amazement.

Here's Piddles's turn! Already waited for months for this moment!

And the reason why Piddles is super excited about it cos she has not carried a baby girl for ages! The kids all around her are boys leh! J&J, his cousins, Vyan, Mark etc.. Can't even dress them up in cute girly dresses. :D

Congratulations to Carmen & Andrew & their new burden of joy. Hope Lauren will grow up healthy, happy & beautiful always.

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