Monday, June 27, 2011

Yoyo's Big Day

I was pretty excited and waiting so long for this day to arrive. And I was thick skinned enough to offer my services to be the 2nd shooter. Sounds pro huh..

But as this was my first time taking pictures on a big scale, I have to say I'm not well prepped cos I don't have a external flash to begin with. No flash means half of my pictures will turn out blur which they did! Oh well, I attempted to take as many as I could and I'm glad I've managed to captured some intimate moments.

A lot of pictures, happy! And I don't bother to check my grammars, too lazy.. Who cares?

I also couldn't sleep the whole night, toss & turn & keep checking the clock to see if it's time to wake up.. I'm so afraid that I might oversleep and miss the morning session!
Booked a cab & I was there at 0430hrs, even I surprised myself.. Haa..
Said a quick hi to Yoyo and I roamed around to look for subjects. A lot of details around the house so I just snapped & snapped.

Yoyo's 2 cousins were her personal assistants and I can see just how close they were..
But of course I'm close to her too, helped her to zip up her tight gown the 2nd time round.. *childish**

It helps that Yoyo is pretty to begin with so snapping her was a breeze cos I don't have to try to hard. Love capturing all her little actions & quirky moves, just cute!
When her folks put the veil over her, the feeling of contentment overwhelmed me. Mr & Mrs Eng's little girl is all grown up now! :)

This was my best angle shot of her, I love it to bits! My masterpiece!

I only managed to take picture of her engagement ring as the wedding bands were nicely tied up securely in their box. Next time perhaps!

Her train was super long and we had to be mindful not to step nor trip on it. :P

The Enggies. Her brother very cute, remembering to put on his coat for picture taking as he don't wanna look too sloppy. :P

I'm just super happy & honoured when I asked Yoyo if I could hide in the room with her while the boys were outside attempting to break the gates down. Also to keep her company lah.. Asking how she's feeling & stuff, girl talk you know.. And I want to be the one to capture Thomas's reaction when he opened the door with his goofy smile. Priceless.

The brothers & sisters are just damn sporting lah! *clap**

Mrs Eng is one Happy Mommy that day, you can just see the sparkles in her eyes..

Yoyo is very accomodating & will obliged me with whatever poses I've asked of her, so kwai.. :)

I think I kept asking & suggesting to them who I wanna take etc.. more than what the actual photographer.. Paiseh..

And a picture of Thomas & his mother-in-law is a MUST of course. Hee..

Yoyo has very nice side profile & a lot of hair, I like!

The sisters were holding on to their wooden clogs everywhere too..

My pictures turned out much better under natural lightings. Every picture turned out nice, I love the different tones of light, yeah!
Love the Beemer too!

Peaceful feel at the temple, even though I was sweating buckets. I can imagine how the groom & bride feel under their coat & gown too, hot is the word.

Even the brothers & sisters were gamed to pose for me. *shy**

Uncle T has to stand at the side while the sisters had their turn..

On the way to Four Seasons Hotel in Orchard Road, everybody's just so relieved to get in the cars & out of the heat.

They had the tea ceremony for the groom's side at the hotel suite.

Yoyo's closest cousins, and with rollers in their hair.. Lol..

One of the brothers, Don is very funny. He made the rest do lotsa stunts & poses & instructed the photographer to take more photos. Must make the $$ worth paying I guess.
I would have done the same if he asked me, he's so fierce with his tattoo welding leg.

A change of attire, a sleek cheongsam. Got the Shanghai Tang feel.

The bareback look is so sexy! Yoyo's niece is so cute!

Yoyo's side of the family are huge and everybody turned up in full force, including relatives from m'sia & perth. So nice of them.
I bet Uncle T & Yoyo were tired from all the tea offering cos so many of the elders..

Housekeeping had champagne, chocolate & strawberries for the happy couple & nobody dared to touch them. They looked soooo appetising.. *mouthwatering**

I love to take all the details cos I know a lot of time & efforts have been put in to make it happen.

Everybody in the room has a part to play that day, and I'm glad I went there earlier to catch that moment.

Feels like home? :)
I bet they've to pack up like siao when checking out time.

All ready! I felt a moment of serene when she stepped out of the room..
I dunno, i had a lot of different feelings on that day.. Just super happy that Yoyo has finally found her happiness, she so deserve it!

I looked so pale & plain next to the lovely bride but then, that's the whole idea! Haa..

More wedding details. My card gown's not opened up, not sure why?
Handmade bears from OB and they're ex.. :P

Penning down our warmest wishes for Uncle T & Yoyo..

Uncle T looking at his bride with so much love.
A better picture of Yoyo's cousin & niece from Perth.
I've cut back on photo taking cos really cannot make it indoors w/o a external flash. Well, never mind cos I also wanna enjoy eating my dinner. Hee..

And her daddy is so handsome, like a movie star! But I was too shy to ask them to pose for me.. Haa.. N mind, shall ask Yoyo for some pictures then.. *smitten**

I like the idea of the bride mingling with guests during reception. Lotsa opportunity to take pictures! Everybody's happy.

Roy drove me earlier to the hotel while he went klkk.. So sweet of him..

I like it that the sport lights are shone directly in the middle of every table & make the cutlery & display so stand out.
I was already a bit tired by the time I sit down, so I didn't move around much to take anymore photos.. Ya, I worked part-time that day only.

I asked the server for some cut chilli padi, and he came back with this bigger than the usual saucer of chilli! All of us at the table just stared at the mountain of chilli & wondering how to finish. Then Danny said so wasteful & asked me to tabao back, they ate up the chocolates & left the boxes for me to pack. Have to do it very discreetly mann.. =_=

Danny & Hara laughing away at Mathavan's joke during the yum seng session. Yup, it's funny..

Carmen was feeling bored so she came over to join us for the 2nd half.. Even though we've been in close contact but there's still so much to catch up!

And I managed to struggled over to take a shot of Yoyo in her blue gown, and she turned to smile for me. Haa, like a movie star..
Overall, it was a simple & fuss-free wedding, just the way they like it. I really enjoyed the experience tremendously with my close friends around.
Looking forward to Jacq, Lindy & Gerri's weddings in future liao.. Haa..

After our congrats, hugs & goodbyes to the happy yet tired couple, we saw this corner with nice sofas around. So I said we must take a group photo and of course I must be in it! So I asked Roy to use my baby to take.. We're not ready yet and he snapped liao..

Ok, everybody is ready. Nice shot! And we look glam..

Then I said we must take picture at the stairway, so the troop followed.. We're so noisy as usual.
Without flash so lousy..

With flash is much better but we look so white, at least can see Danny & Mat more clearly. Everybody's so happy at that point of time.

We asked Mat to move to the side cos he's blocking everybody! Haa..

This day will always be special in my heart.


  1. Piddles!!

    Uncle T & I super love this post!! *BEAM* I seriously can't thank you enough to be our 2nd photographer of the day. I am so sure you have gotten so much more details of the day than the actual photographer (more feel!)

    I seriously think you can pursue photography as a part time free lance pro leh!

    (Side note: I found out that your Gown Card was not fully displayed cos when they tried to open it, it will be stained with the muffin icing! So the TNGs dare not open it up)


  2. Awww, the TNGs are so "xi xin"!! I should have known! Please help me thanked them! :)

    Thanks for being my models of the day to let me practice, I wish I have more time, experiences and the chance to carry on this hobby too.. (help me advertise, haha!)

    Not forgetting that you two are so good & at ease to shoot at too lah.. It's my pleasure!

    Love ya guys!


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