Monday, June 27, 2011

A part of you

It's not easy when you know a part of you has to be removed in order for survival. But it has to be done, there's no other choice.

My sister went for the operation to remove the lump & affected lymph nodes last wednesday. During the op, the surgeon straight away noticed that the cancer has affected the breast area so on the spot had do the mastectomy. Her wound was painful & unbearable, and she had a number of painkillers that made her disorientated & nauseous.

We're on the way to visit her at Mt. Elizabeth. Nostalgia for me cos this was where I had given birth to Jared 3 years ago. So fast hor.. I've carried J in my arms last time out from the maternity ward and now, he's up & running about along the corridors.

And he only wanted to hold onto Ah ma's hands, not sure why.. But it's ok, gave me a break.

This boy very funny, he can dash around in shopping malls refusing to hold our hands but places like parks, unfamiliar places or even hospitals, he refuses to let go.. Maybe he has phobia of hospitals cos he was admitted to KK last oct due to constipation.

Sis sitting up in a crouch and taking dinner. Just pain to see her moving ever so slowly & carefully. I've asked J not to hug or touch her just in case. He can be very rough sometimes..

J is contented by roaming around the room checking things out.

All the hampers & gifts. We've to help bring some back too, cos it's be a handful for them. Help to finish up the fruits too..

And so, tissues from the lump & lymph nodes are sent for analysis and my sis meet up with the specialist today. The results were out partially cos the histologist needs more time to study the lymph node. The stage is 2B and the groth is about 5cm. The rate of growth is moderate, the commonest rate. But in order not to let the cancer cells recur, she will need chemotherapy. And maybe later on radiotherapy on the left breast. The initial process will be difficult but she will have to go through it. I know she's scared stiff about the chemo but she just have to tell herself to brave through the process in order to get well.

My peeps have been most supportive & concern for my sis and told me not to worry too much. We take one step at a time, no point worrying about tomorrow when today has enough worries of it's own - quote from bible. Thanks babe!

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