Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hong Kong Shopping Frenzy (24-27 July)

It's my yearly pilgrimage trip to holyland Hong Kong for my supply of clothes & stuff, haha! This time round, I'm bringing shimei along. The boys are staying put to look after the kids.. It's a chance of a lifetime, yeah!

We met up for breakfast at Macs at T3. After which the boys will be heading to work..

Jason & Shimei. Yes, we girls are looking happpppyyyyy~~~

Miss our group photos, reminds me of our perth days..

Being kiasu, we insisted on wearing masks on board. Actually it's more for JZ & Jared, we don't want to catch any flu there & pass it to them back home.. Responsible moms right? :)

We got lucky, they change our aircraft to A380. Everything's a bit more spacious & brighter, and the seats newer too.

And the screen is bigger too!

Finally landed, and must go for little girl's break upon arrival. Stumbled across this cubicle for mom & kid, so cute. Makes me think of Jared boy, when he's old enough to travel with me next time.. :)

On the way to hotel in the coach. Catching up on my forty winks before the shopping starts!

And here's the much desired hotel, Langham Mongkok! It's a five star hotel and on normal days, the rates are really expensive but we got lucky again, they have a offer at a cheaper rate during the summer period. Main thing is it's really really convenient for me! Near to subway & best of all, after big bags of merchandise, we're able to pop back to the room to dump the goods & set off again! :)

Yup yup! We're enjoying the stay already!!

My sis & Dennis were there from wed to sat so we met up for dinner.

Ask Dennis to take a photo of me on the streets of Tsim Sha Tsui.. I'm not allowed to post up pics of us & sis cos she says not nice.. :P

Had tim sum the next morning. No chilli to go along is terrible!~~~

Their varieties of desserts are simply irresistible~~~~

What is Shimei popping into her mouth??

Their chilli fishballs, which are surprisingly spicy! Phew!

I love their eateries, lots of varieties and prices are reasonable. Best of all, it always comes with hot drinks & soups!

As spaces are scare in hongkong, they make do with whatever is available for them. Here in the subway in this shop, one corner of it's selling flowers, another half clothes! But i think it's a nice combination. So sweet.

Shopped till midnight and feeling hungry so grabbed their cold noodles on the go, it's my favourite!

Taking time out on the stairs of bossini store while Shimei's busy digging out clothes for Jason.

The lady next to me also followed suit and took a minute's break, hee..

Here's my catch for the day.. Too lazy to display the rest though..

Shimei has never purchased so many pairs of shoes in her entire life in existence, haha!

I can actually survive on these kinda breakfast daily, so yummy!

Last minute purchases on our departure day.
What a good harvest!
Bye bye hongkong, till next time!! :'(

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