Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jared Boy!

It's his actual birthday yesterday, so we had a small celebration. Mom cooked him mee sua in the morning so that he can enjoy longevity & good luck. But he's down with fever that day.. Poor kiddo.

Dennis got him a huge present but he got his eyes on Dennis first, instead of noticing the present.. Heh.. But once he saw the colourful gadgets, he can't keep his hands off them.

Fiddling with the toy...

Took a clip of him playing with it, i think he finds funny just by opening & closing the door, or maybe its the sound? :)

Afterwhich he turned to play with Dennis's G-shock.. Hope the battery don't run out!

Nowadays, he started eating rice during dinnertime with us. But his expressions make me wonder if the food taste weird or its just one of his many actions..??

See, he's wondering what the fuss is about..

My mom says some babies cannot take to celebrations and will fall sick, i'm skeptical about it but its such a coincidence that Jared's got fever on his birthday (pantang lah). And JZ also got fever on his birthday too.. I wonder wonder wonder~~

Happy Birthday, my boy!

Got this small mango plus chocolate cake from BreadTalk. But I've ordered a bigger one, for my family gathering this sunday..

Got a big angpow from Grams, will go into his bank account for now!

Savouring the cake, yum...
Thank you all, for your wishes for Jared boy.

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