Sunday, August 02, 2009


Lily got him a prezzie for his birthday, so sweet of her! Jared boy, you better remember all the nice uncles & aunties who dotes on you when you grow up ok?!!

Jared checking out the nursery book.. So colourful~

I think Jared behaves best when we brought him outside.. He hardly whines at all!

See, so chirpy & cheery.

Met up with the neighbour uncle. I could see it in his face, he was just as helpless against Jared's magic as the rest of us. Three seconds in his arms, and already Jared owned him. Hee..

Even Dodo the dog is smelling him out.. :P

After which we went to ntuc for some groceries..
Very focused, sitting upright & holding on tight. Hee..

So far, other than his fingers, he's only learnt how to pop in his pacificer. My mom don't want him to pick up things and just put it in his mouth, hee...

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