Thursday, July 02, 2009

This blogspot is really driving me bonkers! I really dunno what i did or touch that i cannot add pictures to my posting! And all of them were diverted to the web album instead! But thanks to darling Roy (my saviour), he taught me how to copy out the http link and paste manually into the html to edit the pictures (sounds chim). Even though its really time consuming cos i have to painstakingly edit each & every pix, i will still persevere as i know some of you (muaks) are anticipating my next post. Thanks for all your support guys & gals, love ya all~ No pics of Jared in this post but the next one is coming up soon, no worries!

So anyways, last friday we had a sandwich party during lunchtime in office. I've always love sandwich or potluck parties cos everybody can be involved in contribution of food & monetary and we get to enjoy the makan together. Talk about unity.. :)

My current boss is the one with sandwich in his hand & shoving it into his mouth one. Heh heh..

This is my famous creation (copyrights), 4 in 1 sandwich. Clockwise from top right corner is egg omelette, egg mayo with thousand island on top, tuna & sardine. The sardine is mixed with lime, chilli & onions and it taste like HEAVEN! My favourite! Drool~~

And that very evening, the usual makan gang went to Seng Hee Black Herbal Chicken restaurant at Changi Rd, also to celebrate OB's birthday in advance. Looking at the mouthwatering spread is enough to make me hungry again.. :P~

Previous post i wrote about Roy & i went to the PC show, the real motive was to get a canon camera for OB. He's so touched that i managed to get the model that he's being eyeing at, that he opened up the box with trembling hands to reveal the priced cammie. Hahahahaha! Mission accomplished!

Ahem, 3 babes in the house!

A memorable group photo.

And on the very next day, saturday we went to my ex-boss Siang Hock's place for gathering & not forgetting mahjong, haha! Here's his signature Kong Bak Pao.. I actually wolfed down 3 of these buggers! Burp~~

Fooling around before another group photo, cos i want it for my blog.. :)

Pax family portrait, plus roy. Hee..

Guess who's foot belong to who??!!
Notice i've edited to make our feet look long & slender, ho ho ho~

Thought i should make a prezzie from me just to OB, since he's always been so good, kind, showers me with lots of surprises, able to take in my nonsenses, complaints & abusing.. hiak hiak.. Took me quite a lot of manhours though.. =_=

On the actual day of his bd, i wanted to go lunch at Waraku pasta at T2. Their portions are just nice for "small" eaters like me, haha! Just love their japanese curry..

Viola! I insisted on taking a photo of him & my masterpiece and he grumbled that he looks like a criminal holding on to a number plate, except that he's grinning hor!?!
He's so touched again at my gift that i noticed a glisten of tear at the corner of his eyes, ahahaha!!
I must say im surprised i actually have the patience & time to work on the gift, wish someone can do one for me.. ('',) All the late nights and frequent yawnings at work are worth it.

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