Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Boss treated the whole bunch of us lunch last wednesday to briyani & curry fishhead at Bedok Reservoir.
Greg was on leave to babysit but he joined us for the lunch with his son & maid in tow.

Little Gabriel's close to 8 months and he's sooooo cute!
Can't resist carrying him though..

Here's the Daddy.

The girls can't keep their hands off him, hee...

Settling down for the fishhead first.. Steaming hot & yummy!

Even the boys find him adorable, haha!

Maybe it'll be WeiQi's turn to be a daddy soon, kee kee..

The guys waiting for their food to arrive & Little Gab's keeping them engrossed..

All the fuss & wuss is making him sleepy. Time for power nap!
Don't worry Jared boy, you're still Mommy's sweetheart & the cutest in Mommy's eyes okie? :) :) :)

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