Sunday, July 05, 2009

Saturday was a busy day for all. We had another trial playgroup for Jared at 9.30am (yawnz). And we were about 7mins late.. You know, with a baby in tow, we practise rubber timing.. Hee..

Encouraging him to crawl through the tunnel..

Into daddy's arms..

He just loves being on the swing..

Other babies are all enjoying the colour balls in the frog tub, while Jared just simply refused to go in there, and clinging to Roy for dear life.. Scaredy cat!

Mingling with other babies..

Trying out some of the obstacles...

And in the afternoon, we went to my 3rd grandaunt's place cos they're having a gathering there, also to celebrate her birthday. Baby Charlotte (1 mth younger than Jared) is the granddaughter of my grandaunt, so that makes her the same level as me! So Jared should be calling her aunty instead! Ha!
Her place is well-equipped with toys, so Jared is quite excited about it.
The fence is a great idea of letting them play in the enclosed area, while we adults watch with eagle eye from a distance. Erm, but feels a bit like watching animals in a zoo, cute ones of course. :P

From centre (Birthday girl in black) to right are all Jared's great-grandaunts and from the left are his grandaunts, heh..

What is Jared holding onto?

A rubber chicken! :D

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