Saturday, October 27, 2012

At first surprise then, not again.. (groan..)

20th Oct, Saturday

We have been bringing J to the dentist quite regularly as he's having
some bad front teeth. So have to clean out the dirt and patch the holes.
Only the top front teeth are affected as they are very close together 
unlike his lower teeth where the gaps are bigger.

Was expecting him to make a huge ruckus again and Roy and I
were just discussing who's turn to hold him down this time..

When he surprised us by doing the unexpected..
Sitting in the patient's chair at his own will!
I guess he came to realise there's no use struggling or maybe he's just
getting used to coming to GPA all the time & recognising his dentist..

A room fit for the king kid.. Heh..

But he's still not willing to open up his mouth too willingly..

Flushing out the food bits and putting in the gel or something to close up the gaps..

Watching intently in the background..

 21st Oct, Sunday

Mum woke me up at around 8am that morning and told me J's a bit warm..
When I heard that, I was like,"Darn, not again?!!" I felt really really sien..

It was a rainy sunday, so we all stayed at home. Sis & Dennis came over to see J too..

You know, whenever J fell sick, I really feel damn lousy inside as well
as paranoid. I will not be able to sleep at night, constantly checking
& touching & sponging J monitoring his temperature. It got worse when
he puked too, making a mess of the bed and everything.

Normally my mum & I will be taking turns around the clock to
watch over him but I will ask her to sleep instead, I will take over the night shift.
Cos I won't be able to sleep at all, I just can't. What make matters worse was that
J got so scared of taking medicine every 6 hourly that he simply refused
to open his mouth when it's time for med. I got mad & even resorted to
smacking his now skinny thighs.. Sigh..
I'm just too damn stressed.. :(

Took 2 days off on mon & tue cos I'm just too tired when dawn breaks..
Just when I got a little relieved (very slightly in case I jinxed it) 
that J's temp went down below 38,
Dennis and Roy also came down with high fever.. @_@
And it's those fever that refused to go away..

The boys in the household in sick bay.
It's like one for all and all for one.. :P

I don't know if J has indirectly passed the viral fever to them or
maybe their immune systems were down at that point..
But this fever is lethal.. *shudders**
My sister also got it so I guess it's contagious.. 

My mum stuffed herself with oranges everyday while
I drink a bottle of berry essence as well as vit C tablets.
What we can do now is to keep ourselves healthy and
pray that everybody will recover soon, over this long weekend.

Piddles is tired..  =_=


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