Friday, October 12, 2012

Down with Bronchitis

07th Oct, Sunday

My Jared is really one sick prone kid.. Really not sure what caused his bronchitis to act up but it came back with a vengeance last saturday night. He started coughing in the evening and I knew that something's not right from the sound of it.. Sigh.. I suspected he could've gotten the virus when they went down to the multi- purpose hall that afternoon for the children's day celebration.

It got worse on sunday morning whereby I can hear the thick phlegm in his throat when he coughed.. So I put my head to his chest & I heard the most dreadful wheezing sound.. :(

Didn't have to wait too long at KK cos maybe his case was more urgent and the nurse, after taking his temperature, heartbeat & listening to the chest, immediately referred us to a doctor within minutes.

His oxygen level was a bit low, ranging around 95-96 whereby the normal level
would be around 98-99. And he just refused to put on the oxygen mask.. -_-

No choice we had to dismantle the mask and the kind nurse tape the tube to his chest
so that the oxygen can be blown towards his face.. I'm breathing in clean oxygen too.. :)

Doctor had diagnosed that J has sensitive airways, so he is more likely to get inflammation of the air passages. And cough develops in an attempt to expel the excess mucus from his lungs. And I can hear the phlegm moving up and down when he cough.. =_=

Actually I'm not really sure of the differences between bronchitis and asthma but I think J has bronchitis as he's having a low grade fever due to the infection. Asthma doesn't cause fever nor it's contagious.

More oxygen..
I think he gave up struggling against the mask and just let me hold on to it.
Looking at his eyebrows all knotted up just make me wanna soothe it out for him..

Nebulizer is necessary for him in this case as it will help to widen his airways and make it easier for him to breathe in more oxygen. But everytime when we used it on him, he will kick & struggled with all his might to push the mask away from his mouth.. And everybody will turn and looked at what's the commotion about..

J needed 4 cycles of medication so by the 4th time, he actually wanted
to hold the mask himself, and countdown together with the nurse.
I'm both surprised and quite proud of him in a way..

Just recovered from a nasty stomach flu less than a month ago and now this. Wondering when will he outgrow all these and put on more weight? On the record, his cousin Cyan (less than 3 years old) is already 2-3kg heavier than him, omg!

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