Thursday, November 01, 2012

At home..

J has been recuperating at home for the past week after his week long fever..
Bet he's feeling happy cos no school..

This fever really tire him out, he slept longer hours at night and
took longer afternoon naps too. Just worrying when you see he's not
his usual self.. So I promise myself I won't complain (too much)
when he's being naughty or noisy..

Since there's no school for J and Roy's also grounded at home, due to
his fever too, might as well make him practise his writing..

I think he can hold a paintbrush better than a pencil. @_@

If J woke up cheery and smiley, the rest of the day will be peaceful and loving..
If he woke up grumpy, the rest of the day will be grouchy and whiny.. *shake head**

The just woke up hairstyle..
He likes to self camwhore with my iphone..

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