Thursday, March 01, 2012

English High Tea at L’Espresso Goodwood Park Hotel

For those who don't know, Lily is my close colleague as well as a good friend.

When she first got to know me through the phone many years ago, she just took over a new position & I sounded harsh & impatient to her cos I was thinking, how come she didn't know a lot of things. Ended up she wasn't handed over a lot of things properly.. ;P

So her first impression of me was that I was loud & rude. Until she saw me in person, she said she couldn't believe her eyes, as I was "young & sweet-looking".. Ahahahahaa!! So my voice & person doesn't gelled well.. Hee..

I've worked closely with her for close to 3.5 years and our friendship has blossomed to a higher level than working colleagues. I like her for her friendliness, always willing to help & always smiling.. I shared with her almost everything, from work, to life, to family and intimate stuff. She is a trustworthy friend indeed.

So anyway, all good things don't last, she will be leaving us for a better work prospect but she's still very near to me so that I can still meet her up for lunches.. Hopefully by her first paycheck? :D

Brought her to one of my favourite high-tea venue at L’Espresso, Goodwood Park Hotel. Managed to book her early for a slot as there're a lot of people are treating her.
Reservations here have to be made at least a week in advance as it's highly popular among foreigners as well as locals.
I was surprised that she's never been to this part of Orchard before, so I'm glad that I chose this place.

Really love their simple & soothing layout and vintage cutlery.. A lot of tai tais there, so we felt like one of them too.. Lol..

They really have a lot of bite size savouries, which made it easier for us to try all the food. Of course, I got to have my greens..

.. before I start attacking the meaty stuff. The meatballs were to die for, as well as the mushroom balls.. All the balls, juicy and succulent.. I know what you must be thinking.. :P

See, Lily's always smiling and showing her straight teeth. I can't do that cos my teeth are kinda crooked.. Lol..

Love the fresh scones, bread pudding & creme brulee! I love how they use a tiny saucer that's shallow enough to put just a small portion of the creme brulee.. In this way, we won't feel sick of eating too much of it. I had small portions of every food I took so that I can taste all of the varieties..

Just looking at the colourful display of fruits make you wanna eat them all..

At Lily's request, I can only pose up this pic of us, the rest she doesn't like.. :P
My skills so bad meh? Haa...~

I love winding stairways.. I wanted to ask Lily to stand there but she lamented that it's so old fashion.. Haa..

Love love their poolside area.. A lot of Caucasians lazing around, suntanning or simply read a book.. Really an enjoyment of life, something which I sometimes wish I can do that too..

Lily asked why I keep wanting to take pictures of her, so she wanted to take me instead.
So there.. I think I take better.. Lol..

But she's a good sport & still posed for me, even though she's clearly uneasy about standing there alone by herself.. Lol.. See, I just put up one pic here, as promised.
*The top one not counted**

So Lily babe, you are truly as sweet and beautiful as lilies and thank you for always being there for me, for my crude jokes, silly complaints & endless nonsenses..

I won't cry myself silly this time as I know you will always be nearby & I can still get to see you, maybe less often.. Remember to keep in touch with me, no matter how busy you are ok? If not, I'll bring J over to your place & bang on your door.. Haa..

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