Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Barney & Playground

J has taken a liking to the big fat purple Tyrannosaurus recently, due to his catchy songs. And also, his favourite colour happens to be purple too. There's a Barney & Friends show at Expo during the one week school holidays so we brought him there last thursday.

J brought along his own Barney but when he saw that they were selling BJ & Baby Bop stuffies, he want them as well. I said to choose one, and he settled for BJ.. And it cost 25 bucks, little buggers!

A nice contrast of purple & yellow..

J loves his Barney & BJ. And he knows how to sing the goodbye song (though not clearly) by heart liao..

Just so hard to make him turn to look at me!

The chairs reminded me of those we sit on when we went to restaurants banquets.. Minus the chair covers.. Lol..

Keep his hair longer cos we going on a trip, can keep his ears warm a bit.. :D

Don't wanna bore you with Barney pictures so I just put up 2 of them. There're quite colourful actually..

Ok, this picture has nothing to do with anything. Just wanna show you how big the dressing room is at Robinsons. Over the weekend we dropped by Raffles City cos Roy wanna get golfing pants. He told us the dressing room has seats so we went in to check it out. Haha!

We found a tiny playground with just one slide & 2 swings nearby our neighbourhood so decided to bring J there for a change. Even though it's quite miserable but we think it's actually better as it's so simple and small that we just sit down on the bench & let him climb & slide all by himself.. under our watchful eyes of course. Good thing he doesn't know how to complain yet.. just a simple boy.. :)

Skinny boy. Maybe he has worms in his tummy.. -_-

And ended up with dirty pants.. A boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do.. @_@

1 comment:

  1. *hahaha* Looks like you guys had so much fun! So good that you managed to get hold of BJ - Lauren loves Baby Bop but i never see her in the shops anywhere and when we went for the show on Sunday, all sold out except for Barney. Need to steal some pics from you of the Barney show cos we forgot to bring our camera. :-)


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