Thursday, March 15, 2012

Visit to Sentosa, March 2012

Roy, being the "househusband" for now.. (lol) is doing what typical housewives are doing.. Looking for discounts.. He managed to grab some good deals online, like cheaper tickets to Singapore Flyer, Hippo rides etc. This time round, it's for some of the attractions in Sentosa.

It's school holidays this week so plenty of activities for the little rascal. Roy brought him, mum, her brother & sil to sentosa on tuesday. He took my dslr with him but a lot of pictures all turned out blur.. So I will just posted up a few better ones..

All dressed up and ready to go. He's been spotted with this super cheeky look these days.. Like he's up to something no good..

J is inseparable with his granduncle (mum's eldest brother), he adores him! My uncle is 71 this year and this cheeky boy still insisted on being carried by him and only wanted to hold his hand throughout the outing. I think my uncle will end up with muscle aches the next day, with his old bones all cracking up liao.. Lol..

This boy cannot walk straight without tripping over his own foot. Always stumbling & ended up with lotsa of bruises and battle scars on his elbows & knees.. And it's so visible cos he's fair..

Another cheeky grin.
That's my uncle's hand in the background, it's his full time job to take care of J that day!

The butterflies at the butterfly park are pathetic, according to Roy.
The logo looks like a giant bubble on top of J, I should've put in a caption to say,"Hey dude, whatchoo looking at?!!"
Except that I'm too lazy to edit it.. Zzzz..

All kids love fries.. He can nom on those all day if we let him.. All the junk food.. =_=

At the dolphin enclosure.. Surprisingly, this was the highlight of the trip..

I thought this was a enduring shot. My uncle pinching his chin ever so lovingly. Awww~

When the music started, J just cannot stop himself from the dancing and jumping. Music is in his blood! Lol..

Hello there!

Looking back occasionally to see if the old folks are watching him dancing..
For a moment, I thought he also looks like one of the seals with his black shirt.. Lol..
Too bad he didn't wave his arm.. :D

I thought they have pink dolphins in the park?

What do you know?
They bumped into Shimei & Jason that day. They brought JZ out on a company trip.
Making the boys take a picture together. Surprisingly, they're quite cooperative that day, must be in a good mood. ;)

J stuck out his index finger at first, I think he's trying to show the peace sign. =_=

So Roy told him to show the Awesome sign, you can see he looked so satisfied that his thumb's up! Lol..
JZ bo hiew and continue to drink his ribena.. Lol..

1 comment:

  1. Aiyoh! How come he fall until like that? Heart pain! Also - why he wear long sleeved shirt huh? Not hot ah??? Daddy never take care properly? i didn't realise that J is also so close to his grand uncle - so nice that so many people around him love him so much! So precious!


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