Thursday, February 09, 2012

CNY 2012 14th day

I can't believe chinese new year has 15 days but I only get to meet SM almost the end of the celebration! Worse still, I haven't get to see my god-daughter Lauren!
But she has not been feeling well & Carmen has also caught the flu bug. And now, CNY's already over.. :(
I will still keep the angpow for her, in my cute Hello Kitty pink pow!

05th Feb, Sun

SM & family were at her mum's place at Eunos so we dropped by after J's class.
So nice to have a big balcony where you can have a lot of greenery.
It was bright & sunny that day as you can see. I love natural lighting.

The highlight of the visit of course was to see Little Yixin. She's taking a nap when we reached but woke up a while later, as if she knows that we're there? Haa.. Maybe we're too noisy..
She has put on some more weight since the last time I saw her. Babies this age are cute!

Love this pix cos she's looking right at my camera. :)

Lovely shade of pink.

YX's wearing her cuzzie's clothes. But she still looks girly in boy's clothes though..

Cute little fist.
I've been trying to take a picture but she kept moving around. So the helper helped to hold it still for me.

Looking very angmo here. Her bridge is higher than JZ's.. Hee..

Another smile. Yeah!

J fiddling with the baby toys. He can't find any cars though..


Roy having a game with Jason, SM's dad & aunty.

While the adults were busy at their mj, the kids kept themselves entertained behind. Air-con mah!
Nothing much for me to do so I took pix of the dices.. Wish I can play too..

SM & YX.

SM's 8yr old niece helped to take pix for us, not bad! :D

Really crowded that day, what with 1 granny, 11 adults, 5 maids, 4 kids & 3 babies.

JZ has grown up so much that he looks like a 5 year old. :)

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