Monday, February 06, 2012

Bye Yoyo, for now.. (1st Feb 2012)

Wanyu is fondly known to some of us as Yoyo, Dizzy & Yuyu. Only those who are lovable will be given a lot of nicknames. Lol..

Piddles has known Yoyo for 6 years straight, coming to the 7th year now. She loves her. This is a known fact to those who's in her circle.

Piddles first saw her at her new job in their office at the west wing.. A young girl with a lot of drive, willing to learn attitude & a level of maturity, destined for the greater things in her life. She's hip & unique in her own ways, can dressed up very pro & corporate one day, and then dressed like she's going for school the next. Everyday is a fashion show for us. She's la la, sometimes drama (in a cute way) & slightly Dizzy on some days.. And so over the years, Piddles has grown very fond of her. She is someone very good to love & to be doted on.

Piddles still remembered the day she left us for biz development, we had a small breakfast gathering at T2. We gave her a bouquet filled with flowers & bears, it was lovely. And when it was time for her to leave, and us back to office.. we took our turns to give her a hug.. Piddles suddenly burst into tears, which startled the rest a little. She's so sad.. :(

Then Yoyo left for country food but all these while, they still maintained close contact with each other. She took the time to update Piddles about her life, her family and of coz with Uncle T.. Which Piddles was glad that they had finally come together as a couple. Then one of the happiest day in Piddle's life was that she was involved in Yoyo & Uncle Ts' wedding, having the honour to take pictures of intimate details during their big day. She was that happy for them.

She came back to our dept as Manager a month after her wedding, and had been of great help to us. Of cos Piddles must take good care of her, showering her with TLC & lots of AXBD in order to "fatten" her up.. :P But alas, good things don't always last, and Yoyo had to give up everything here in SIN so that she can join Uncle T in Manchester. Which of course, Piddles thinks it's the right thing to do cos Uncle T is now her hubby and that's all that matters now. No matter what others might think or say.

Her last breakfast on her last day of work.
Actually her last day was on 27th Jan but she was that responsible about her work that she came back to office on 30th-31st. Leaving her no time to even pack her bags & run last minute errands.

I made it a point to send her off at T3 on wednesday night, 1st Feb as I had a gift for her.
Didn't expect to see a bunch of people sending her off as well. They are like superstars for the day.

I guess both of them were super tired what with all the mad rush of packing, getting last min foodstuff etc but they made a great effort to spend some time for all of us there.

Me trying to squeeze everybody into the iphone screen but failed miserably.
Sorry Uncle T! -_-III

Last pix together before she fly off to faraway land.

Roy has also grow fond of her through me over the years, treating her like a little sister.

The dreaded time came when they have to leave for the gates. And all the take cares, handshakes & hugs started. I waited for my turn, choosing to give her my hug the last. I thought I should be able to handle it better this time round.. And also, everybody was around and it's really embarrassing if I'm the only one who weep.

But when I embraced her, my tears just rolled down uncontrollably. Memories flashed across my eyes, and the thought that she will be thousands of miles away from us this time, just brought another round of hysterical outburst.. I think it's just me, I suck at keeping my emotions under control. And her friends who've known her for more than 20 years are taking it in their strides..

I will miss seeing her in the mornings, sharing things with her, sharing our breakfast/lunch/kopi, sharing our frustrations, complaints & bitchiness.. And most of all, sharing our thoughts together.

Distance will make the heart grows fonder. Till we meet again, Yoyo..
For now, please take care of yourself & let Uncle T takes care of you too. xoxoxo.


  1. Thank you thank you thank you for everything, my dear dear Piddles! You have been such a dear sister to Yoyo~ luv ya! Xoxoxo

  2. You're most welcome!
    Piddles loves you too!


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