Monday, February 20, 2012

Singapore Flyer Feb 2012

When J was much younger, whenever we drove passed the sheares bridge, I would point out to him & said,"Look boi, circle!" So he will just repeat circle excitedly.. Afterwhich I decided to upgrade & tell him it's a ferris wheel.. And he managed to pronounce correctly too. I think Singapore flyer is too much of a mouthful to say out.. Oh well..

Finally, Roy managed to get some discounted tickets for the flyer & some hippo ride.. So we decided to check it out after J's class on sunday. I would prefer a night ride as I wanted to see all the lights but J might not appreciate that well. So a trial ride for now, if he enjoys it, we'll come again at night.

A very nice miniature of the Singapore flyer.
Decided to park at their carpark as it's the nearest. I'd rather spend the $$ on parking then having to walk all the way..

Along the way in, there're a lot of displays & explanations on the flyer, and it was a little dark. J clinged on to Roy like a monkey and refused to come down.

Just cannot get everybody's hands in the right actions.. Grrr...!

Waiting at the entrance of the flyer. It's not crowded that day, so we can afford to wait for a empty capsule & hopped in.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who has the smallest eyes of them all?? Hee..

When the ferris wheel started moving upwards, I gradually got spooked.. I have a fear of heights.. So I sit down a lot and pulled J close to me. Initially he will keep sitting down too but when he saw Roy going around taking pictures, he warmed up & started trooping around in the capsule.

They can just stand so close to the edge of the window.. I simply can't!

I stood behind J, my feet refusing to move any forward.. Scaredy Piddles.

I asked J to show me the peace sign.. His 3rd finger just refused to come out..

I think this place will be great once it's ready. I can't wait for the super trees to be up. Lotsa greenery is good!

Everything else look so small when we're at the top of the world.. :P

I've not been here before.. Hopefully I'll get lucky & let me get some tickets during NDP this year..

Just amazing to see how the hydraulic work inside the capsules that make the flyer turn 360 degree.. I could hardly feel anything inside besides the music & great view..

Spotting a mushroom hairstyle here..
J always must have his ezlink card with him whenever we're outside. When will he ever grow out of it?

Now that J is older, he's easier to manage when we bring him outdoors.. Maybe can plan a overseas trip soon.. Tokyo Disneyland!
He has a crooked fringe.. Cos he flinched a bit when I was cutting his hair before his bath.. Lol..

Spotting his goofy grin throughout the ride, I think he pretty much enjoyed the whole experience.. :D

Descending down.. This view looked so tropical.. You can see people walking along the coast & cycling on the road.. I haven't cycle for the longest time too..

Designated spot to take picture of the ferris wheel in the background. Just cannot make Jared to turn & look into my camera!

Overall, I should say it's quite enjoyable for me as well. From great heights, I can see there's really a lot of changes on the ground compared to just a few years ago. Singapore is changing so fast that it's kinda scary..

Praying very very hard that I'll strike big prize at toto, then I'll buy a small cottage in some angmo country and retired & rot there.. Who say I cannot dream?? *dream on***

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Merry Valentine's

To me, this day is just like any other day. Roy & I don't particularly celebrate this day, more so after we had J. Where got time to celebrate so many occasions?

So when I casually asked him anything special happening on Vday, he paused for a while on his game, turned to look at me & shrugged.. =_=

14th Feb, Tue
Nicole whatsapp me a darn cute Vday greetings with a smiling Evan. He's so cheery isn't he? :)

Next was a Vday teatime treat from Kevin. The (shit looking, haha!) chocolate cupcake was surprisingly good I must say! I gobbled it up even though I was quite full from lunch..

Roy picked me up after work. I hopped into the car, with the usual complaint of making me wait for so long at the pickup point, when he suddenly said..

"Dee can you help me to take the sunglasses cloth from the compartment?"
"What cloth lah?!! Don't have!"

Then I looked a little closer & saw this card inside.. Roy became a little smugged & laughed so loud.

"That's the surprise you want, hahahahhahh!"

When we reached home, mum said Happy Valentine's and we are having mee sua to celebrate.. -_-

That's when I saw these weird looking stuff..

"Mum, what's this??
"Oh, your brother bought over some abalones"
"Mum, are we having pussies for dinner??"


Then I asked Roy if he can put his fat finger there for me to take a pix, cos I got the inspiration from him & his airforce frens.. Haha! He said siao & ran away.. =_=

Oh well, guess my finger will do the job. Just to let you peeps get a kick out of it.. Hahhahaa!!

Note: Notice the dangerously looking scissors there.. Ouch!

Thank goodness I don't take abalones though.. Phew! It was a nice dinner.. :)

Reading Roy's card in my quiet domain, my toilet.. Haha! Well, that's the only place to hide whenever I need time out from anything..

Well, I was quite touched with his words I must say.. I will spare you all the juicy details and leave you with this ps, just cannot resist sharing with you.. Hee.. So there you go peeps, that's my sweetheart for you.. :D

~Happy Valentine's Day!~

Mum's AXBD

AXBD is a term that Yoyo & I use.. It loosely means "Lunchbox packed with Love" in mandarin.

Before Yoyo came back to our dept last Jul, I've always been either skipping lunch (due to heavy breakfast), or I packed lunches from home. Then when she joined us, I will follow them for lunch in order to catch up on things, or just plainly talk cock & sing songs sessions..

My mum asked if I'd like to pack lunch one evening as she cooked extra portion. Of course I want! Can save on lunch money also.. Lol..

I love this Afternoon Tea carrier, I got it from Tokyo a few years back. But last year when we went back, I can't seemed to find the store anymore.. :( Good things don't last forever I guess..

Edwin gave me this spoon/fork thingy last time. So what if I wanted to use both spoon & fork at the same time? Means I can't loh.. -_-

It was a simple meal with one dish made up of different arrays of veggies & rice.

What's more happy than to laze during lunchtime with dimmed lights, class 95 music, hot food & newspapers in hand? That's one of the simple things in life.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

CNY 2012 14th day

I can't believe chinese new year has 15 days but I only get to meet SM almost the end of the celebration! Worse still, I haven't get to see my god-daughter Lauren!
But she has not been feeling well & Carmen has also caught the flu bug. And now, CNY's already over.. :(
I will still keep the angpow for her, in my cute Hello Kitty pink pow!

05th Feb, Sun

SM & family were at her mum's place at Eunos so we dropped by after J's class.
So nice to have a big balcony where you can have a lot of greenery.
It was bright & sunny that day as you can see. I love natural lighting.

The highlight of the visit of course was to see Little Yixin. She's taking a nap when we reached but woke up a while later, as if she knows that we're there? Haa.. Maybe we're too noisy..
She has put on some more weight since the last time I saw her. Babies this age are cute!

Love this pix cos she's looking right at my camera. :)

Lovely shade of pink.

YX's wearing her cuzzie's clothes. But she still looks girly in boy's clothes though..

Cute little fist.
I've been trying to take a picture but she kept moving around. So the helper helped to hold it still for me.

Looking very angmo here. Her bridge is higher than JZ's.. Hee..

Another smile. Yeah!

J fiddling with the baby toys. He can't find any cars though..


Roy having a game with Jason, SM's dad & aunty.

While the adults were busy at their mj, the kids kept themselves entertained behind. Air-con mah!
Nothing much for me to do so I took pix of the dices.. Wish I can play too..

SM & YX.

SM's 8yr old niece helped to take pix for us, not bad! :D

Really crowded that day, what with 1 granny, 11 adults, 5 maids, 4 kids & 3 babies.

JZ has grown up so much that he looks like a 5 year old. :)