Friday, September 02, 2011

Sony 50mm F1.4

For those who's not into photography, this might sound gibberish to them.. Heh..
Anyway, I've acquired one of the lens that I've always wanted for a while.. And I'm happy!

It's more of a portrait lens, perfect for taking kids!

As usual, J will be my subject just as before. He's super excited about going for a walk with me again, as I've put a curfew during the 7th month.

There're a lot of kids walking back to their school just next my block.
It's Teacher's day so they're back for evening performance for the teachers..

I can never get him to look straight into the camera one.. urgh!

Don't leave home without his ezlink card!

This boy likes to walk ahead infront of us, and occasionally turn back to see if we're still at his back..
Last time, he don't care & will just zoom straight ahead, so we had to play the cat & mouse game.

Such a "fair" boy, lol..
Ahh.. the wonders of my wonderful lens..

Not looking at me again..

Look at his skinny arm..

More pics next time.

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