Monday, September 19, 2011

Just lazy

Sorry for the hiatus in blogging peeps.. Cos I really got nothing happening to blog about recently!

However, I did attempted to take some miserable pictures on my phone (lousy quality) on J. Here it is..

Have not brought the boys to airport recently for a walk so we went on a sunday.
Love their attire.

Just look at the forlorn expressions of the boys! Ahaaa!

Bro brought Cyan over to my place last friday to play. According to my mum, he can be quite a terror.. Any toys in his hand, he will use it to knock J's head and muttered baby talk under his breath.
And the silly boy will just run away. I should teach him to knock back his head mann. *sly smile**

Last sat, we brought J to dentist at GPA Parkview (the Gothi looking building) at Bugis. This boy has been drinking so much milk, day & night that he has a bad tooth! As if his crap problem is not enough to give us a headache..

Overall, the place is cosy & child friendly. Just need to let J get used to his dentist & the environment. He did put up a fight & lotsa screaming when she tried to pry open his mouth.. I was deaf for a second.. -_-

Went to Roy's dad's place yesterday.
My mum has been chasing the taiwanese series now showing on channel 8 right now, so J knows the song by heart.
Sang like a pro right? Swaying his hips somemore, full of actions!
Grandpa will need to air his mike liao, full of J's drool!

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