Tuesday, September 06, 2011

J's first dance on stage (live)

J has been attending enrichment class at Hess every sunday and he loves it!
And his teacher is super sweet & pretty (maybe that's why he enjoys it?)

We always arrive a wee bit early and J will be keeping himself busy in the playroom with the toys & books. He's totally at ease there, ever since the first day there.

Grabbing a book from the bookshelf. He knows his ABC by heart liao..

All the costumes hanging behind, a lot of role play involved.

Every end of each term, the teachers will arrange for a performance for the kids to show the parents what they have learnt during the past few months, and also to train them not to be shy on stage. I think it's a good idea.
Teacher Tim seated his K1 students & briefing them what to say later on stage.

All the parents and K1 students seated and waiting for the little kids to appear.

All of them were in costume except J. He's supposed to be wearing Piglet costume but he simply refused to put it on! I think cos last week when he's in the costume, it's too hot to bear.. His teacher say one..
And the girls in the class are all bigger size than the boys..
When the singing started, all of them looked at their teacher for cue.

This boy doesn't like to be in the limelight though, he's always at the back. :P
But, his voice is the Loudest! *faint**

Good job!
Hip hip hooray!

K1 is like what, 5 year olds?? And they have to learn how to read out loud liao? Stressed!

This boy not shy one.. When the K1 kids were reading out loud, he can walk up and down the stage. Had to be chased down by Teacher Tim.

This is Teacher Lara, and she's from South Africa. All the kids love her.

I like her too.. Keep looking into her light grey-greenish eyes the whole time.. Paiseh mann!

Here's the clips..

The toddlers were the VIPs, all trooping out slowly. J's holding onto his bag, he thought it's time to go home!

Can hear he has the loudest voice hor.. You can imagine we have to bear with it all the time at home.. @_@

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