Friday, September 30, 2011


I've always been a huge fan of Hayao Miyazaki.... For those who don't know him, he's the brilliant creator of animated movies like Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle etc..

Recently OB helped me to get The Borrower Arrietty from hk as it's not available here yet. Their graphics are just so nice & entertaining. A great show! My mum started watching too & so is J. He can literally sit down throughout and watch, even though it's in japanese.

After that, I dug out other collections and played for J my all time favourite, My Neighbour Totoro. The rest is history.

I know everybody loves Totoro but this boy is crazy over it! Getting all excited even from the beginning & dancing away..

J love love love love loves Totoro! My gosh, he can watch over & over and laughs in glee..

See how concentrated he is?

Not just that, he even started to learn how they speak.. in japanese!
When sis switched the audio to english or mandarin, he got bored & walked away to do his own stuff.

Watched again the next day.
And what's that in his hands?

Totoro stuffy of course.
Peeps, if you have any Totoros to spare, you know who you can give to!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Jared's house

I remembered last time when we were kids, we loved making house using the mattress & blankets.. So yest night, I made one for J too..

He's so excited & squealed in delight when I first put it up. At first he thought it's a slide & sit on it.

Then I said, "Cannot sit, it's a house!".. Guess he understood & immediately crawled into the hole. I put up the blanket to act as a door.

His own personal hole.
Maybe I should make it the naughty corner, everytime he throws tantrums, I put him in this little hole.

Pulling down the blankie, don't wanna be disturbed.. :P

Carmen gave J alphabet stick-ons for xmas last year and I put them up on the wall in the bedroom so that he can read them out every night. He will sing the song & point & point at the letters.

After that, he crawled back into his safe hideout. Goodnight!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


It stands for Ai Xing Pian Dang, loosely means breakfast made with love.
Mum always has been into bakery & sorts, and when the mood comes, she will start whipping up something. So this time is Makokeh or "Huat Kueh" in hokkien.

Mum woke up early in the morning today to steam the kuehs. Still warm when I reached the office.

Tiny little colourful buns.. Supposely to go with coconut & raw sugar but well, it taste equally nice without it.

Girls in Black

I gave the girls one each, good stuff must share!
All trying to look adorable with cute poses but I decided to do the opposite. Totally tak-glam & obsence maybe? Hahahahaaa!

Hari Raya Gathering

Sat, 24th September

It's been the 3rd year that Lily has invited us to her place for a gathering during Hari Raya month. Lily has been showering J with lotsa prezzies for his bd & eve then xmas so I must bring him over to her place to make him thank her in person. :P

Highlight of the day was of course, the Nutella roll! Lol..

J is really a very thick-skinned boy, checking the whole place out.. Including out of the window..

Making himself at home..

And not sure where he dug up the ball from..
Lily's girls were in the bedroom and he kept opening the door to go in, must be cos there's aircon inside.. Maybe the ball's from there too!

And after the older kids took the ball away, he turned to playing with the stones and chicken at the balcony.

Not knowing what to do with both, J started knocking the stone on the chicken! OMG! Don't break it!!!
Lily said it's ok, already cracked and her hubby used tape to tape the tail up, haha!
Dunno why, her fren's boy also likes to knock the the stone & chicken together.
There's a duck & chicken and the boys all chose chicken. Maybe it's a guy's thing.. heh..

This is the room that J kept running into..

K's youngest son, making himself comfy too..

Yoyo & Uncle T totally focused on digging in.. Yumzz..

J is really like a energizer bunny, playing non-stop!

Roy doing the superman stunt for him. I simply don't have that type of energy left..

After Lily helped us to take a family shot, I realised we have not been taking a lot of pictures as a family together. So thanks babe! Nice background too!

Chilling at the living area..

Piddles is quite relieved that most of the adults seemed to like J and willing to help her entertain & play with him. :)

The short fringe gang. :D

Managed to gather half of the groupie together, the rest still digging in all the good food. Haa!

A clip to show just how thick skinned J can be when he wants to play. Even though he's seen Edwin for the first time, he behaves like he's so close to him just cos he can fling him up in the air.. =_=III

Luckily no nightmares that night. Ha... Time to bring him for a roller coaster ride soon!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Just lazy

Sorry for the hiatus in blogging peeps.. Cos I really got nothing happening to blog about recently!

However, I did attempted to take some miserable pictures on my phone (lousy quality) on J. Here it is..

Have not brought the boys to airport recently for a walk so we went on a sunday.
Love their attire.

Just look at the forlorn expressions of the boys! Ahaaa!

Bro brought Cyan over to my place last friday to play. According to my mum, he can be quite a terror.. Any toys in his hand, he will use it to knock J's head and muttered baby talk under his breath.
And the silly boy will just run away. I should teach him to knock back his head mann. *sly smile**

Last sat, we brought J to dentist at GPA Parkview (the Gothi looking building) at Bugis. This boy has been drinking so much milk, day & night that he has a bad tooth! As if his crap problem is not enough to give us a headache..

Overall, the place is cosy & child friendly. Just need to let J get used to his dentist & the environment. He did put up a fight & lotsa screaming when she tried to pry open his mouth.. I was deaf for a second.. -_-

Went to Roy's dad's place yesterday.
My mum has been chasing the taiwanese series now showing on channel 8 right now, so J knows the song by heart.
Sang like a pro right? Swaying his hips somemore, full of actions!
Grandpa will need to air his mike liao, full of J's drool!

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

J's first dance on stage (live)

J has been attending enrichment class at Hess every sunday and he loves it!
And his teacher is super sweet & pretty (maybe that's why he enjoys it?)

We always arrive a wee bit early and J will be keeping himself busy in the playroom with the toys & books. He's totally at ease there, ever since the first day there.

Grabbing a book from the bookshelf. He knows his ABC by heart liao..

All the costumes hanging behind, a lot of role play involved.

Every end of each term, the teachers will arrange for a performance for the kids to show the parents what they have learnt during the past few months, and also to train them not to be shy on stage. I think it's a good idea.
Teacher Tim seated his K1 students & briefing them what to say later on stage.

All the parents and K1 students seated and waiting for the little kids to appear.

All of them were in costume except J. He's supposed to be wearing Piglet costume but he simply refused to put it on! I think cos last week when he's in the costume, it's too hot to bear.. His teacher say one..
And the girls in the class are all bigger size than the boys..
When the singing started, all of them looked at their teacher for cue.

This boy doesn't like to be in the limelight though, he's always at the back. :P
But, his voice is the Loudest! *faint**

Good job!
Hip hip hooray!

K1 is like what, 5 year olds?? And they have to learn how to read out loud liao? Stressed!

This boy not shy one.. When the K1 kids were reading out loud, he can walk up and down the stage. Had to be chased down by Teacher Tim.

This is Teacher Lara, and she's from South Africa. All the kids love her.

I like her too.. Keep looking into her light grey-greenish eyes the whole time.. Paiseh mann!

Here's the clips..

The toddlers were the VIPs, all trooping out slowly. J's holding onto his bag, he thought it's time to go home!

Can hear he has the loudest voice hor.. You can imagine we have to bear with it all the time at home.. @_@