Saturday, April 23, 2011

Jared's 1st Field Trip

J's school decided to bring the kids out last thursday, to Jacob Ballas Children's Garden next to Botanical Gardens. Mum had something on that day so I took leave to accompany him.
Of course I can't cope by myself so I got my helper to go with me too, wise choice indeed.

Early in the morning all washed up and armed, with his stinky bear and ezlink card in hand.

I also had a bit of Elmo on me. Hairband from Universal Studios Osaka. God, I miss Japan.

At the garden. J likes to do a lot of actions..

This tree's made of little human figures. Quite creative huh..

There're tons of little kids that day, damn crowded! Not forgetting damn hot too! =_=III

Had to ask helper to watch out for him while I take some pictures.

Really a lot of greenery in the garden, providing quite a lot of shade.
But I didn't take a lot of pics of the flowers and plants cos busy lah..

Cute Caucasian babies, still sitting quietly in their strollers (but in the open!) while their moms were chatting behind..

Weather was so hot and J's sweating buckets. So must make sure he drink plenty of water.

A coconut-like fruit hanging on the branch. Dunno what to take.. So hot, I want to go home..

Taking refuge under a straw hut.
"And I'll puff & I'll puff & I'll blow the hut down!" Haha..
*so lame**

Then the rest of the kids saw and they run over to join J too.. So cute..

There's a mini maze for the kids to run around in. Everything is mini-size..

Actually there're playground, sandpit and even waterplay for the kids but I'm just too punctured and hot to let J join in the fun, besides he just recovered from his nasty cough too.. Can't risk him getting sick again as he'll get soooo cranky and that will make our life miserable.. Baaa~

Can tell J's my kid hor? Lol..

I let him drank chilled 100plus, ended up he's coughing so bad at night..
Made a mistake, I should be getting him H2O instead.. =_=

Can't resist taking a pic of this girl with her long hair..

He really must bring his stinky bear everywhere he goes mann..

Waiting for transport back home.. That's my favourite part, haha!

J really likes taking bus, will jump up & down in glee.

And I'm surprised he can actually sit down on his own and enjoying the ride home. Think next time can plan for a trip to m'sia on a coach ride..

I was dog tired by the time I reached home.. Makes me marvel & admire those mums who have to handle more than 2 kids.. I can never spare as much patience for that..

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