Friday, April 01, 2011

Catching up with VIPs

Piddles feels there's a need for her to remember who her VIPs are.. (Stands for Very Important Peeps, hahahaha!!
So she makes an effort to go out with them, whenever she can spare time away from J, cos friendships like theirs last for a lifetime and she cherishes them very much.

First with Carmen.
She's very excited about the date as she hasn't gotten a break from work & home for some time, and of cos excited to meet Piddles too (haha!). Lotsa catch up!

We went to this quirky cafe in PS for a quiet moment. The mushrooms were va va "roommmm"...!

Carmen's order of sandwiches, very much healthier than my order.

And here's mine, german (edible) sausages. :P

I love (edible) sausages of all types.. (ya, I feel the need to stress again!)

Carmen meddling with her new camera for a food shot.

Presenting her lunch. Her teeth are so very white.. :D

I had cocoa becoz I wanted the cute flowery sugar cubes for my photo. Not forgetting the cute pokka dot cup too!

A satisfied Piddles after wiping her sausages clean from the plate & enjoying a cuppa cocoa.

Carmen & Me!
We really had a very enjoyable afternoon. Thanks for going out with me, babe!

Finallyyyyyyyyyyyyy had my lobster tenppayaki treat. :)
There's a lot of food like salmon, prawn, pufferfish, beef etc but I was too busy watching the chef in action, plus busy eating too..

OB & me!

My very best friend Shimei dropped by for lunch with me. I want to be a HDB tai tai too! :)

Last but not least, managed to have dinner with Hoops & Yoyo at Coca. It was surprisingly yummy!

The last time when the 3 of us met up was during Yoyo's birthday last year and I can't believe we took another year just to arrange another date! It's unacceptable!
We shall meet up again soon, nearer to Yoyo's big day, so excited right?!!
HYP forever!

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