Monday, August 24, 2009

Yong has been complaining the weather in sin is hot hot hot.. Well, can't really blame her considering the weather in seattle is cold most of the time, like it rains at least 50% of the time but then, their summer it hovers a pleasant 14degree celsius. So it's really nice & comfy for people like Piddles who don't like to sweat. Haha! When will her 3rd trip there be?? She wonders wonders wonders..~~~

That's what a true buddy is all about. Fulfilling all of Piddles' wishlist! (despite her so busy schedule.. :P).

Being a dental hygienist means she is one who's particular about her patients's teeth being clean & giving advices about keeping their teeth healthy. Here she gave the boys kid's toothbrushes to give them a headstart. Hey, no free toothbrushes for the adults? ('',)

Jared's first bus ride! Roy need to work last saturday so Piddles armed with Jared & maid in tow took bus 3 from pasir ris to tampines. One lady (female ok?!!) was kind enough to give up her seat for Piddles & Jared. Or maybe cos she saw Piddles carrying Jared like want to die liao.. Hiak hiak..~

Yong is so sweet, gave Jared a big fat angpow (in US dollars $_$), as much as Godpa's liao. He is such a lucky boy, just that he din realise it now. Piddles will remind him again! In the meantime, she is eyeing at the angpow precariously, hoping Jared don't crumple or lost it.. ('',)

Piddles misses Yong's mom's famous steamboat, what makes it so special is that its all vegetarian. Yup, they're vegetarians but Piddles lufffff their homecooked meals!

The cherries & blueberries that she brought back are still so fresh & juicy! The blueberries quite bland but the cherries are sweet! Fresh ones she meant. The usual preserved ones here are yucks!

As usual, he refuses to learn how to walk & prefers to crawl instead. The floor's made of marble & quite slippery for him, his legs keep spreading open. Hee..

He seems to enjoying his crawling but its hard work for daddy pidds!

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