Saturday, August 22, 2009

Piddles' dear friend, Yong is coming home from the states, for 3 weeks. And 4 years ago, she came back for Piddles' wedding (god bless her), and its been sooooooo long since, even Jared has arrived and is already 13months old that she finally decided to make a trip back. This time, to see her dear old granny, family & also to renew her IC. visit to US embassy & running errands.

Well, she told Piddles that she'll be arriving at midnight on thursday and won't expect them to meet her since they've to work the next day but you know, being a longtime buddy & one who can pull some surprises, Piddles decided to (you guess right) surprise her on arrival. No matter how late it is, my dear friend.

She ever mentioned that calla lilies are one of her favorite flowers, her wedding flowers so Piddles did some research & sourcing for some nicely blooms for her. Awaiting for the "superstar" at the arrival level.. And without any makeup on & dressed in tee, slacks & slippers. Yawnzz..zzzz~

When is she coming out?? Oh well, camwhore with the lilies then.. So pweeety~~

There she is! Emerging at the stroke of midnight! Yong is pleasantly surprised & touched to see Piddles & Roy waving frantically at her. (Er, her folks are still on the way.. :P) And after giving her a tight long hug, Piddles reluctantly passed over the lovely calla lilies to her. Heh heh.. Her eyes lit up like a little girl upon the bouquet but scolded Piddles for spending a bomb afterwhich she turned back to look at the lilies & caressing them with gentle hands. :P After the hoohaa, they chatted & stayed with her till her folks arrived, and they tiredly dragged their feet home, washed up & settled down to bed. Zzzz~
Welcome home again, Yong!


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